Speak Up: Gov. Carney tours Dover a week after supporting revitalization efforts


With each step that Gov. John Carney took down Loockerman Street and into the heart of downtown Dover on Feb. 9, he could feel the positive energy from the crowd around him, as he took a peek into the “Capital City 2030 Transforming Downtown Dover” plan. That crowd included members of the Downtown Dover Partnership, the city’s government and state legislators.

  • Two long-standing issues with downtown: poor close-to-store parking and crime. It has been this way since the 1960s. — Howard Gaines III
  • Dumping money into the city doesn’t eliminate the problems. Center-city Dover is a harbor for drugs and crime. Drugs and crime are in the paper every morning. A shiny new building is not going to eliminate the problems of the city. Dover only thrives during the standard work hours of the city. There is nothing that holds visitors in town once the office buildings close down. And there’s the ever-growing problem of no place to park. Dover is not going to attract any more business with a shiny building in a crime area. — Vincent Deskiewicz
  • This is all a waste of taxpayer dollars. No one will move to Dover because of the bad reputation it has for crime, corrupt local politics and the homeless population in the downtown area! — Ruth Hamilton
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