The American Democratic political party has duped its followers into embracing American Marxism (communism) as a political goal to harness the inhumane power of destructive totalitarianism. Communism is the most evil and barbaric of all governing bodies throughout modern times. American Marxists have as their goal the abolishment of private property, which is the bedrock of our Constitution, and their goal becomes the real enemy of American civil society.
Since the Great Depression of the 1930s, progressive American Marxists have ushered into our society some of the most radical changes the country has ever experienced.
American Marxists, under the guise of the Democratic political party, have become the enemy of all U.S. liberty-loving citizens.
The voters and the judicial system must come to understand what is happening and act in tandem. There is no other path that I can imagine that will preserve our country other than the judiciary and the voters fully aligning themselves with the power of the U.S. Constitution.
The country belongs to all, and all must act to preserve our liberty and freedoms, as these are not personal entitlements. For our citizens, the right to their independence is on the table. It is not a win-win situation; it is quite the opposite!
Do not take this jeremiad lightly!
Richard L. Spencer