Tabletop gamers celebrate Free RPG Day in Dover

Things to Do

By Benjamin Rothstein
Posted 6/24/24

DOVER—Tabletop gamers across the country rejoiced Saturday for ‘Free RPG Day,’ and that includes at Dover board game store ‘Born to Game.’  

An RPG, shorthand …

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Tabletop gamers celebrate Free RPG Day in Dover

Things to Do


DOVER — Tabletop gamers across the country rejoiced Saturday over Free RPG Day and that included Dover store Born to Game.

An RPG, shorthand for roleplaying game, is where players use set rules and a character they create to role play a story housed inside each other’s collective imaginations. Most famous among these are Dungeons and Dragons, one of the prevalent RPGs played today even 50 years after its first edition.

“RPGs really span generations and it’s really cool,” said Born to Game employee Cody Malone. “You have the older people who (have) played Dungeons and Dragons (versions) 2.0, 3.0, and now they’re playing with their grandchildren or their children and they’re playing 5.0.”

Dungeons and Dragons is far from the only RPG, however, and that is exactly what Free RPG Day is about.

“Dungeons & Dragons is the most recognizable RPG game out there, but there are so many other different kinds of RPGs and Free RPG Day gives an opportunity for people to come out and (discover other games),” said Amanda Ferraro, a game master attending Free RPG Day. “Somebody might not be interested in dragons per se. They might find another RPG that suits more to their tastes. So, it’s an opportunity for people to come and pick up a free booklet and take a look at all the other kinds of different RPGs you can possibly play.”

Players’ characters are at the whim of a game master such Ms. Ferraro, who acts for every friend, foe or force of nature not directly controlled by the players.

Festivities for Free RPG Day at the store went beyond the giveaways. There were plenty of people playing the games too. Ms. Ferraro ran one of her favorite games, Vast Grimm, an RPG that takes place in a sci-fi horror universe infested with giant worms. They are also tasked with carrying the story forward.

There is an RPG for just about any setting one could think of, including licensed universes already beloved by many, like “Lord of the Rings,” Marvel, and “Star Wars”. The free RPGs had sample rules and adventures that allow players to dip their toes into a multitude of universes.

Typically, those who want to start with an RPG would purchase a core rulebook for it, which contains instructions on how to play the game, how to create a character and what it is like to exist in a game’s universe. Some games have free starter rules as well.

“We’re really blessed to have a really great community with our (game masters) and everybody who’s willing to offer their time,” said Mr. Malone. “Where can you just go and sit down and not have to pay a fee for something, right? We don’t charge table fees or anything like that.”

It may be daunting to get into tabletop RPGs, but Mr. Malone encourages anyone interested to try it out.

“Don’t think that you’re the only one who wants to learn. Don’t be afraid to learn. There are lots of people out there who are more than willing to help and reference. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming, don’t let it. We’re here to help,” he said.

He also credited RPGs as experiences that can bring people together.

“Don’t fall for the stereotypes,” he said. “Don’t be afraid of the look, because you’re going to meet so many different people from so many different walks of life from so many different stages of where they are and where they come from.”

Though this year’s Free RPG Day is over, Born to Game has RPGs played on its tables all the time. Though someone interested might be able to catch an RPG being played there at any time, the store has scheduled D&D sessions every Tuesday at 6 p.m.

For more information, check out the store’s Facebook page at BornToGameDotNet or

There is a location in Dover, at 547 S Red Haven Lane and a location in Middletown at 821 N Broad St.

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