2024 Olympics

Survey: DE residents plan to watch about 25 hours of Olympic coverage


DOVER — Content aggregator HostingAdvice released a study on Wednesday of 3,000 Delaware sports fans’ intended Olympic diet and landed on the figure of about 25 hours during the two-week spectacular.

According to the study Hawai’i was most interested, estimating about 98 hours of viewing while in Montana, respondents claimed only eight hours.

The average viewing length is about 3.5 hours at a stretch, according to the study, and two-thirds plan to enjoy traditional viewing. Another 20 percent intends to watch on their phones, and one percent plan to use gaming consoles, the study found.

More than half of respondents plan to turn to their social media feeds for news and updates, with news websites coming in at about a quarter of the potential audience, the study found.   

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