Senate Bill 2 would require Delawareans purchasing a gun to show proof of completing a firearm training course within the last five years in order to receive a purchase permit. They would also complete an application that includes fingerprinting and a background check. Opponents declare it to be unconstitutional overreach, and supporters say it will reduce gun violence. What stance are you taking on the proposed legislation and why?
- It is a waste. It will do absolutely nothing to stop criminals from getting guns. It will do nothing to stop shootings or anything. It is just a way for the state to get revenue. It will stop people who need protection from being able to get protection ’cause we all know restraining orders are a waste. — Wes Johnson
- Simple answer: Criminals aren’t going into the gun shops and buying guns 99% of the time! You already have a background check done and a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives form to fill out before you can purchase a firearm. For those who have no firearms experience, many places already offer training and classes. It’s been this way for years! Very unconstitutional, and it only creates a hardship for the law-abiding folks who may need a firearm that day. Since cars kill, open borders and illegal drugs kill, and any items can be used to harm or kill another, this will have a zero effect on gun issues that are largely drug- and gang-related. — Howard Gaines III
- Nothing but another attempt by the rulers to disarm their subjects. — Charles Miller
- I do not need a permit for a constitutional right. This is just another attempt for liberals to grab guns. — Bob Hice
- No. It’s unconstitutional to infringe our rights that are protected by the Second Amendment. — Scott Berry
- Unconstitutional. — Doug Poore
Walking among legends: Dover’s Welch strives to bring city’s history to life
While hearkening back to earlier times May 6 at the Dover Days Festival, visitors may have imagined chatting with Caesar Rodney while strolling across The Green.
Or meeting Elizabeth Battell, owner of the Golden Fleece Tavern, where 30 delegates made Delaware the First State when they voted to ratify the U.S. Constitution on Dec. 7, 1787.
That’s the vision of Tom Welch, an historic interpreter for the Division of Historical & Cultural Affairs. “We have a rich history here, which is not being fully told,” he said. “My vision is, I can see these characters, people like Richard Bassett, Allen McLane, Caesar Rodney — there’s actually 31 names on the overall proposal (that will be submitted) — walking in the (Dover Days) parade together, maybe with banners on.”
- This is a great idea. Dover is really missing out on a wonderful opportunity to showcase our historic heritage for all the guests and visitors, which the base, Firefly and NASCAR bring to town. — Ellen Hart Richardson