Speak Up: Dover mayor halts his pay raises until after ’27 election


Dover Mayor Robin R. Christiansen was given a $5,000 raise in a last-minute decision before passing the yearly budget early last month. On July 23, however, he requested the raise be the final one he gets through the 2027 election.

  • His only official duty is oversight of the police department. How’s that working out for us? — Sue Harris
  • Figured he would make more than $59,000 a year. — Randy Meisinger
  • Unbelievable. When so much work needs to be done to make Dover what it used to be. Make it safe! — Danree Fjelsted Heath
  • I do not support him getting $5,000 when people depending on Social Security end up with next to nothing. My cost-of-living increase after Medicare amounted to $12 per month, $144 per year. — Pam Kepfer
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