Speak Up: Donations stolen from popular Dover pumpkin display


The Grinch isn’t just working the Christmas season any longer. For the second year in a row, a cash box for donations alongside the Kirspel family’s annual display of decorated foam pumpkins was stolen. The theft occurred Oct. 12, when the perpetrator(s) cut the metal box off just above the ground and took it from the 125 William St. property.

  • Way to be classy, Dover. — Debra Cartwright Reny
  • When I first moved down to the country from upstate, farmers always had the honor boxes out. You took your fruit or vegetables and left the correct money. Sometimes, you had to make change from the box. Once in a while, I didn’t have enough money with me, and I’d leave a little note reading, “Drop off the rest tomorrow.” Little by little, the honor boxes disappeared because of stealing. Very sad. — Christine Rose Baker
  • Ever seen the honor system work? Not me. — Adam Thomas
  • Welcome to Dover. — Jonathan Contant
  • Awful. — Lisa McMillan
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