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A Sunday story reported that U.S. Sen. Chris Coons has indicated he will join Delaware’s senior senator in voting against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
• I am a lifelong member of the Democrat Party, but I ashamed to be a part of what it has become. The only thing on the Democrats’ agenda is to vote against everything that President Trump tries to do. They all should be voted out of office. Nothing is getting accomplished by people we send to Washington. I for one think it is time for a change. — Michael Steele
• Kavanaugh is clearly a brilliant man. His memory is outstanding. He believes in making decisions based on the Constitution and not his opinion. And he demonstrated through the entire hearing that he is thoughtful, discerning and invested in every single case he rules on. I see no good reason to oppose him. Feinstein’s latest trick was totally political as is Coons’ and Carper’s decision to vote “no”. When are so many Americans going to realize that so many politicians are just NOT working for the people? — Beth Ann
• All of the United States Constitution-hating Communists will vote no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh, even thought they throw out personal attacks to cover for their utter disdain of the founding fathers of our country and capitalism. — Thomas Cook
• Even though the majority of their constituents would vote for Kavanaugh. Changing to Republican as soon as I can. — Deborah Collins Nelson
• Democrats are all for themselves not what American people want. Stop this fighting. Do for all the people — affordable health insurance and prescription medicine. If we don’t get settled I will change my party. Do for all America so can it be great. Isn’t that what you want? — Barbara Keithley
• A representative of the people bases his vote on three perspectives — all equally important — the opinions of their constituency, their personal opinion and the constitutional ramifications of their vote...This jurist, while quite qualified to sit on the court is the nomination of an erratic and unrestrained president. This alone casts doubt on the dubiousness of the nomination. I support Senator Coons simply on that basis. — Joe Bernard
• He’s an extremely qualified nominee and to not vote him in due to disliking the president is ludicrous. His judgments and his writings prove, without a doubt he is more qualified and makes his judgments based on his best understanding of the Constitution as well as accepted law and opinions of past Supreme Court decisions. — Richard Miller
• Do you have a problem with people being able to make their own choices in their private lives? Those rights will be taken away if he is appointed. Whether we agree or not with the decisions people make regarding their own lives is irrelevant. People should not be dictated to and rights should not be taken away. — MaryEllen Suvie
• Well, since by “rights” it sounds like you may be talking about abortion, I choose to err on the side of caution and ask, “what about the rights of the unborn?” — Karen Ward
• (Coons) can make his “own” choice, in private, but since he is working for us, than he needs to vote with the voice of the whole state, not just a few. — Beth Lumley-Weatherby
• The whole problem is the Democrats are scared he will follow the law of the land and not decide cases on his own feelings as all the liberal judges have been doing. — James Cortese
• So they are voting no for someone who is overqualified. I mean what are we teaching our youth? Thank you to our state senators for working in our best interest then your own personal gain. I mean way to show the young men and women to lead from the heart and be their own person. Coons and Carpenter I am disappointed in you with having the great people of Delaware in your hearts. — Joey Marker