Patients Rights Action Fund: Senate must reject assisted-suicide bill


The Patients Rights Action Fund expresses serious concern following the Delaware Senate Executive Committee’s decision to pass House Bill 140, which seeks to introduce assisted suicide to Delaware. This bill, which allows terminally ill residents to end their lives with medical assistance, presents significant risks to vulnerable populations, including those living with disabilities, elderly individuals and marginalized communities. As the bill advances to the full Senate, we urge all senators to reject this dangerous legislation.

Passing HB 140 could lead to profound injustices. The pressures on those who are most vulnerable — whether due to economic hardship, disability or societal discrimination — may result in choices driven by external factors rather than true autonomy. The risk of coercion and abuse is high, and the potential for errors and misjudgments in assessing a person’s prognosis and mental capacity cannot be overstated. Senators have a responsibility to protect their constituents from such dangers and ensure that all individuals receive compassionate, life-affirming care.

We call on the full Senate to prioritize the enhancement of palliative and hospice care services, which provide essential support and comfort to those facing terminal illness. By focusing on improving these critical areas of health care, policymakers can ensure that every resident receives the care and dignity they deserve during his or her most challenging times. Rejecting HB 140 is a necessary step to uphold the rights and well-being of all Delaware citizens.

Patients Rights Action Fund

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