I was appalled to read that Dover has once again put the needs of everything else ahead of the youth of Dover (“Dover skate park faces delay, but other projects roll forward,” April 12).
My son started skateboarding at about age 7. In his teens, he and his friends created a skate park in Dover and made do with it for years. Occasionally, they could go to Smyrna, Rehoboth Beach or Wilmington to skate at the skate parks there, but nothing has been available in Dover for the 20 years he and many others could have used it.
Approximately four years ago, he and a group of concerned individuals spoke at City Hall in Dover about the need for a skate park. They were assured “it was in the works,” and something would definitely be built in Dover within the next couple of years.
My son is now 27. He has been working full time for five years.
Many skateboarders are not “sports” people, so they do not play basketball, baseball or other sports.
They have been patiently waiting for action on this matter. They have been talking about wanting a skateboard park since 2009.
I see in the article that a dog park is moving forward, yet the skate park is stalled due to lack of funds.
Why a dog park? We already have that at Tidbury Creek County Park.
I am not a political person, so I do not know who to reach out to to generate more funding for the Dover skate park.
Can someone help? Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, D-Del.; Sen. Eric Buckson, R-Camden; Rep. Lyndon Yearick, R-Magnolia; Commissioner G. Jody Sweeney; Gov. John Carney? Someone out there with connections and some organizations that care about Delaware youth.
Please come forward and mobilize some funds to make the Dover skate park a reality. Sooner, rather than later.
My son is hoping it won’t be too late for him.
Betsy Gustafson