Letter to the Editor: Reader ‘infuriated’ by different names for women


While watching one of the major news outlets a couple of days ago, my hair stood straight up on my head, and I was so furious that my hair actually caught fire! Of course, it didn’t really, but I was infuriated. I am so sick of all the young, “woke” members of our society trying to redefine us.

Their new attempt to erase “womanhood” from our vernacular is — wait for it — “menstruating persons.” It wasn’t enough for them to define us as “birthing persons” or “chestfeeders” or even “lactating or egg-producing persons.” No, now, we are “menstruating people.”

Well, I feel it is my turn to speak out.

I am a woman. And, yes, I menstruate, or at least I did when I was younger. I feel that just a little biology lesson is in store here. Menstruating is caused by the uterus shedding the lining it prepared to receive and nurture the fertilized egg of a woman. Now, since men do not have uteruses, they cannot menstruate, so the phrase “menstruating persons” is idiotic at best. So is “birthing people,” since men cannot give birth. “Lactating people” or “chestfeeders” are also foolish, for the same reason. Men cannot breastfeed or give birth.

I am a woman, created with certain unique organs capable of producing and nurturing a human life. I carry X chromosomes in my DNA that, when united with an X chromosome in my husband’s DNA, produce a female child or, when united to a Y chromosome from my husband’s DNA, produce a male child.

I am created by God as a woman for all eternity. I can be identified even many years after my death just by examining my skeletal structure, or, even by extracting DNA from my bones, my XX chromosomes will still identify me as a woman.

So go ahead and play silly little dress-up games pretending to be something you are not and will never be. But leave us who know who we are alone.

Helen Reddy sang, “I am woman, hear me roar / … and no one’s gonna keep me down again / … I am strong / I am invincible,” and I am a proud XX-carrying woman.

I highly resent the efforts of this fantasyland society trying to confuse children that they are something other than what God created them to be. Your DNA forever identifies who you are, and no change of clothing, hair or makeup, nor hormones or surgeries can change that. So why don’t you try to live a real life? And then maybe you will find that happiness in life that you were created to have.

Rose Pritchett


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