Letter to the Editor: One way to show patriotism: Drive an electric vehicle


Recent letters, like the American Lung Association report on unhealthy air, have rightly focused on smog, which attacks our lungs (“Let’s continue the drive to cleaner air,” June 25). And vehicles are the major problem.

Electric cars are an excellent solution, as they have zero tailpipe emissions, and the emissions from power plants are cleaner than diesel and gas pollution.

It should also be mentioned that, as we build more clean solar and wind facilities, our power-related emissions get lower and lower.

The recently celebrated July Fourth should remind us that our national security is threatened by the use of carbon-based fuels like gasoline. The less we use of these fuels, the more we undercut the petroleum dictators in Russia and Saudi Arabia, who depend on money from our dependence on oil. The Fourth reminds us of our patriotic duty to strive for independence from oil.

One of the best ways to show our patriotism is to drive an electric car or truck and support the phaseout of fossil fuel transportation.

Charlie Garlow

Rehoboth Beach

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