Honoring and Fundraising Banquet held June 2 in Dover

Daily State News
Posted 6/17/24

DOVER — Women and Children Transformation Ministry International, Inc., held its second annual Honoring and Fundraising Banquet on June 2 at the Correctional Officers’ Association Banquet …

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Honoring and Fundraising Banquet held June 2 in Dover


DOVER — Women and Children Transformation Ministry International, Inc., held its second annual Honoring and Fundraising Banquet on June 2 at the Correctional Officers’ Association Banquet Hall.

Women and Children Transformation Ministry International was founded by Pastor Cecelia Snorton in 2007.
The nonprofit organization seeks to assist women and children in achieving life skills, goal setting and self-esteem through its various community outreach projects in Delaware and abroad.

The organization’s most recent project, Boys to Men/Girls Breaking Barriers, is currently being employed among fifth-grade boys and girls of William Henry Middle School in the Capital School District.

Participating students, parents and family members, along with local city, county and state officials, gathered to celebrate the students’ efforts, as well as to honor various community leaders.

The honorees for this year were Dover City Councilmen Andre M. Boggerty, Roy Sudler Jr., Gerald L. Rocha Sr. and newly elected Council President David L. Anderson, as well as the Rev. Rita Mishoe Paige and Elder Bobbie Alston.

Speakers for the event included keynote speaker Pastor Natacha Byrams of Zion Gates Ministries of Tulsa, Oklahoma; WCTMI Boys to Men director William Snorton Jr.; WCTMI Boys to Men participant Carlson Ankiambom; and WCTMI Girls Breaking Barriers participant Chinyene Amadi.

Both students were crowned king and queen of their individual programs at the awards banquet, and both attend William Henry Middle School.

Other guest attendees included Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long; Rep. Sherry Dorsey Walker; Dr. Vilicia Cade, Capital School District superintendent; the Hon. Nicole Alston; Kamela Smith, Democratic candidate, 15th District, Wilmington; Dr. Wilma Mishoe, former president of Delaware State University; Bishop W. James Thomas, IMA president; former IMA presidents, Rev. Theodore Henderson and wife, Beverly Henderson, and Rev. Michael Rogers and wife, Rev. Dr. Frances Rogers.

WCTMI Abroad in Liberia recently constructed a hand-pump well for safe drinking water in a low-income community and built six toilets for the community school of the students that WCTMI is sponsoring tuition-free in Liberia.

In Zambia, WCTMI is helping children in one of the poorest villages in Shibuyunji District, Zambia Lusaka. The goal is to construct a school for the children in the village and the surrounding villages. The students have no school building.

For more information or to donate to this or any future projects, contact Pastor Cecelia Snorton at 302-241-8615 or WCTMI via its website at www.wctmi.org.

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