Delaware's free infant formula initiative expanded

Delaware State News
Posted 7/18/23

WILMINGTON — Delaware’s free infant formula initiative has been expanded to provide multiple canisters of Care A2+ infant formula to families with children under the age of one, Lt. Gov. …

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Delaware's free infant formula initiative expanded


WILMINGTON — Delaware’s free infant formula initiative has been expanded to provide multiple canisters of Care A2+ infant formula to families with children under the age of 1 instead of the original single serving, Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long announced Tuesday.

Care A2+ formula canisters, which are similar to Similac, continue to be available for pickup at distribution sites across the state in partnership with the Food Bank of Delaware.

“Families are grappling with a lot of stressors these days, and, for many, the rising cost of living is make or break. Our initiative to provide free infant formula is just one way to take the pressure off of family budgets and relieves the worry about what comes next,” Lt. Gov. Hall-Long said.

The initiative, which launched in February, includes partnership with Donate Delaware, Highmark Delaware, Bank of America, Genesco Pharma, Delaware Division of Public Health, Food Bank of Delaware, numerous community partners and the governor’s and lieutenant governor’s office.

The state, in collaboration with Donate Delaware, purchased 44,000 canisters of Care infant formula from Genesco Pharma as a result of the initiative.

The Division of Public Health selected Care A2+ because of its similar ingredients to Similac, a widely used formula brand in the United States.

Delaware families with a child under the age of 1 are eligible to receive 28.2-ounce canisters of Care A2+ infant formula while supplies last. One 28.2 oz canister will provide around 21.5 eight-fluid-ounce bottles – which is more than 20 baby bottles.

Health experts expect that one canister of Care A2+ infant formula will last a few weeks depending on the age of the child. It is important to follow the directions on the label and do not water down formula. The batches of formula will expire October 2024 and December 2024.

Distribution sites, which are ed in high-needs areas, are listed at Sites were identified by using data from the Division of Public Health’s Healthy Women, Healthy Babies program, which works to address health disparities and other factors that affect women’s health and birth outcomes in Delaware.

Organizations interested in collaborating on infant formula distribution events should reach out to

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