Nazarene Services On Sunday at 10:45 a.m. the Rev. Richard Prahl will be preaching on Luke 9:51-62. Special music will be provided by Carol Bloodsworth. The church is located at 97 Sandy Hill Road in …
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Nazarene Services
On Sunday at 10:45 a.m. the Rev. Richard Prahl will be preaching on Luke 9:51-62. Special music will be provided by Carol Bloodsworth. The church is located at 97 Sandy Hill Road in Cambridge. The public is invited to all services.
Grace UMC
Services at Grace UM Church in Cambridge are as follows: Sunday. 9:45 a.m. Early Morning Grace. Speaker, JoAnne Baker. Leader, Ricky Cannon. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. Baraca Class. Penny Pink, guest singer. (Baraca Class live on WCEM-1240 AM). Dr. Hines Class. Penny Doty, teacher 11 a.m. Worship. Speaker, JoAnne Baker. Scripture: Jonah 2:1-10. Message: “No One is Beyond Redemption.” July 3 noon, Prayer Warriors for cancer service.
Sister to Sister
Sister to Sister is a women’s ministry of the New Life Christian Church and Ministries. The ministry meets the 2nd Saturday of every month with a themed event for food, fellowship and/or prayer. There is no charge and all are welcome.
Bring a friend and enjoy the fellowship. The church is located at 923 Phillips St., Cambridge. Biship Weldon M. Johnson is the presiding prelate.
St. Paul’s Sunday School
The Gleaners Class of St. Paul’s UM Church in Cambridge will meet Sunday at 9:45 a.m.
Richardson’s Men’s Class will meet at the same time.
Grace VBS
Grace UM Church, 501 Race St., in Cambridge will hold its Vacation Bible School entitled ”Roar,” from June 24 through June 28.
It will be from 9 a.m. to noon for ages 3 through Grade 6 and all are welcome.
Experience an African adventure and discover a ferocious faith that empowers you through this wild life to find that God is always good.
For more information call the church at 410-228-4353.
Word & Worship
Bethel AME Church, 623 Pine St., Cambridge will host an afternoon of Word & Worship on June 30. Doors open at 3:30 p.m. and the service begins at 4 p.m.
A portion of the service will be taped for the Rev. Lee Michaels of the new hit show “All Things Baltimore.” Special musical guests will be The Brown Boyz of New York.
The Rev. Randolph Fitchett Jr. is host pastor.
For more information call Bonnie at Bethel, 410-330-5399.
Everybody’s Birthday
New Revelations Baptist Church, 711 Bradley Ave., Cambridge will celebrate Everybody’s Birthday at 3 p.m. on July 6.
There will be all you can eat food and desserts. Decorated tables for every month.
A Lip Sync contest with first place, $75; 2nd place, $50 an 3rd place, $25. Prizes awarded (pick your favorite gospel song). Group songs are welcome.
Vendors are welcome. Donation of $10 per person; $5 for children 10 and under.
31st Choir Anniversary
The Inspirational Voices of Praise will be celebrating their 31st Choir Anniversary at 3:30 p.m. on July 14 at Bethel AME Chur ch, 623 Pine St., Cambride.
Guest preacher will be the Rev. Dr. Cynthia D. Porter and her choir from Refuge Temple Church of God.
President is Bonnie Cromwell and pastor is the Rev. Randolph Fitchett Jr.
Hat Service
Greater Mr. Olive Baptist Church in Cambridge is having a Hat Service at 4 p.m. on July 14.
It is sponsored by The Building Fund Committee.
There will be a $25 prize for the bet hat; $15 for second place. Come and take a leap of faith.
Zion Baptist Church Pastor’s Aide Ministry is sponsoring a bus trip to Sight & Sound Theater in Lancaster, Pa. to see the play “Jesus,” on Aug. 8.
Tickets are $150 for an adult; $95 for children 12 and under which includes travel, entry and dinner after the play.
Bus will depart from Zion Baptist, 600 Cross St., Cambridge at 10:30 a.m. and return at approximately 10 p.m.
A payment plan is available for those that need as follows: a non-refundable deposit of $50 by May 18 with the balance due by June 22.
For information contact Victoria Gunter, 410-726-7160; Tyboria E. Banning, 410-330-0720.
Bus Trip
Scott’s UM Church Homecoming Committee is sponsoring a bus trip to Sight and Sound Theatre in Lancaster, Pa. to see live on stage JESUS. The trip will be Aug. 10 for the 3 p.m. s how. Transportation will be by Jor-Lin Tour & Charter.
The bus will leave Scott’s UMC in Trappe at 9:30 a.m.
The price includes bus are, lunch at Miller’s Smorgasbord Restaurant (tax and tip), and ticket to Sight an Sound. Initial deposit: 50 percent (adults, $72.50 and children $43) due as soon as possible. Final payment due July 6, no exceptions.
No breakfast stop so bring snacks.
The Rev. Dartanyon Hines is pastor.