From the pages of the Banner
50 years ago A reader asked the Banner: “I have been reading the tales about “Green Briar Swamp.” Are they true or false?
The Banner …
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From the pages of the Banner
50 years ago
A reader asked the Banner: “I have been reading the tales about “Green Briar Swamp.” Are they true or false?
The Banner answered: The author of the book, Brice Stump, says, “Having spent months investigating the various tales that compose the legend of Green Briar Swamp, I have come to the conclusion that a great part of it is true. It certainly isn’t beyond the realm of possibility that a treasure exists in the swamp area.
“Although I have not seen the ghost light of Shorter’s Wharf, I believe it exists. Cpl. John Bramble of the Cambridge Police told me last week, ‘That light is definitely there. I wouldn’t tell you something unless it was true, and I know this because I have seen it time and time again.’”
Mr. Stump added, “The most often doubted part of the legend is the existence of Big Liz, the beheaded Negro slave woman who prowls through the swamp. She is the protector of the treasure. It would be ignorant to say that she absolutely does not exist.
“The subject of ghosts have been with man since creation and I doubt if any scientist would state that apparitions, ghosts or what have you, do not, as a scientific fact, exist.”
100 years ago
During the entire period of the war, things were rather quiet at the Cambridge Yacht Club, particularly during the last two years, as nearly all of the younger members were in some branch of the military service of the country, while the older members were actively engaged in war time duties. This coming season will be in the nature of a celebration over the successful termination of the war, and the home coming of the boys who have helped in bringing about the glorious victories that have been achieved on both land and sea.
The Yacht Club during the first three or four years of its existence was the scene of many social activities. During the annual Chesapeake Bay regattas, the Cambridge Yacht Club have always been the rendezvous for the various clubs, and the two or three days of the stay of the visitors have been occasions for many social events in Cambridge, while the dances at the Club pavilion attracted people from all over the Peninsula.
The people of Cambridge and the vicinity certainly owe a debt of gratitude to the first Commodore of the Club, Alfred I. duPont, through whose generosity it has been possible to build and maintain the Club. It is favorably known from Maine to Florida, it has attracted hundreds of people to Cambridge, it has been the means of attracting much capital and a great deal of business to the city. There is not a single business nor profession in this city that has not prospered as the result of the presence of the Yacht Club in our midst.