Letters to the Editor, Oct. 17, 2018


Attention Residents and Concerned Citizens

We want to make you aware that there is a potential environmental health hazard threatening this area and our neighborhood/community.

What is the threat? There is a proposal to install a 3 million gallon open tank at 5178 Aireys Road, Cambridge. The location is previously known as the Malkus/Keplinger Farm which has been purchased by a new owner.

The open tank would be used to store liquid waste from Valley Protein in Linkwood; and other various sources. The tank would contain up to 500 truckloads of waste materials. Tractor-Trailers would be delivering it and distributing it throughout Dorchester County.

Why should you be concerned? There are multiple reasons we all need to be greatly concerned. First, there is an intense odor from the waste materials, in addition to potential air pollution and various health risks associated with potential water contamination. It will create unsafe high traffic issues from the many tractor-trailers (40 trucks per day is possible) entering and exiting the site near Beaver Neck Road and the sharp bend in Aireys Road. Not only would this impact our area with noise, traffic congestion and safety issues, it will disrupt other businesses, schools, cemetery services and your property value.

So what can you do? First: Call your County Commissioners today! Tom Bradshaw, 443-515-0612, Don Satterfield, 410-463-7446 and Ricky Travers (President) 410-228-4313.

Second: Attend the DorchesterCounty Zoning Board Hearing on

Oct. 25. at 7 p.m. at the Dorchester County Office Building, Room 110.

Even if our Commissioners are against this proposal they need our show of support at this meeting! You must go! This may be your only opportunity to stop this proposal, which if passed will change life as we have known it.

Don’t be fooled by the property owner and his lawyer down playing of the impact on your lives. Please pass on the word and please plan to attend. Only in numbers can we make a difference. Please call your County Commissions now and plan to attend!

For any additional information or questions, please contact Barb Harper; cell: 410-463-1047; email: barbandgene09@gmail.com

Barb and Jim Harper

Aireys, Cambridge

Friends and Continued Supporters

The Cambridge-Dorchester County Christmas Parade is celebrating its Platinum Anniversary! We are very proud to be a part of the parade that has spanned the decades, made possible by the kind, generous and ongoing support of the Dorchester Chamber Members and our local businesses and friends. The 2018 event marks the 70th year for the parade to grace the streets of downtown Cambridge.

Embracing our birthday, we have themed this year’s event, “70 Years of Christmas Cheer.” After all, it’s a cheerful day and an event that brings joy and excitement to all involved, whether enjoying the festivities as a participant or witnessing the magic as a spectator. Importantly, it brings many outsiders to the streets of our beautiful community to help us promote the gem we call home!

We write, as we do this time every year, to ask for your help and support. It’s an all call for sponsors to ensure we can host this year’s event: The 70th Annual Cambridge-Dorchester County Christmas Parade. As the leaves change, and fall from the trees, we are frantically turning over every fallen leaf to find donors and support for this year’s event! You may not know, but the parade is funded solely through community/ public donations. That means YOU are awesome! We CANNOT host this event without financial support. We are 100 percent donor-funded, and 100 percent volunteer run.

The parade is scheduled for Dec. 1 and begins with pre-parade festivities at the reviewing stand located at Craig’s Drugstore at 4 p.m. in downtown Cambridge.

If you or your business supported the event last year, your information is proudly displayed on our website www.christmasparade.org. (If we have missed you, please let us know so we can correct the problem). We can’t thank you enough!

We need your continued support. Please allow this letter to serve as an “all-call” for generating parade donations; without the support of the local community and our businesses, the parade would cease to exist. Remember, CDCCP is a 501(c)(3) and donations are tax deductible. Our EIN is listed on the donation form.

Forms are available on our website. Please mail all donations to:

CDCCP Treasurer

PO BOX 1083

Cambridge, MD 21613

As with last year, each donor/sponsor will be listed on our web-page and will be acknowledged during the radio broadcast the evening of the parade and announced from the reviewing stand to ensure that our sponsors are identified.

We are also seeking entries for the parade. Entries for the parade are currently being accepted on-line and by mail. To submit online, simply visit our website and click the “Enter Online” tab.

What better way to announce and promote your business than to enter an entry for the parade to be viewed by hundreds? If you would like to mail your entry, simply download the form from our website and mail it to us.

We can’t thank everyone enough for all that has already been accomplished. We hope you will consider supporting this timeless tradition, and we hope you will join us for the 70th Annual Parade. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us ... and don’t forget, Like Us on Facebook!



Bruce McWilliams, chairman



Vote for Colvin!

This is the first time I have written a letter to the editor of a newspaper before, but I feel compelled to do so now. Recently Andy Harris commented on the allegations of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford in a radio interview. He said “she is a troubled woman ... and she admits it, she has psychological problems.” He called her claim false, and a complete character assassination.

His dismissive attitude is disrespectful to all woman who have been victims of sexual assault, or harassment, or know one who has. Mr. Harris voted NO on reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act.

It is for these reasons I think that the women of this district, regardless of political party, should vote Andy Harris out and cast their vote for his opponent Jesse Colvin!

Melissa Witt


Vote The Person - Not The Party!!!

To my colleague voters in Dorchester County:

In sociology there is a phrase ‘the local yokel syndrome’ — “Never elect anybody smarter than you because they will make you look bad.”

Dorchester County has the history of electing unqualified people to office because “They are our friends,” and now we are paying for it. A social/economic decline is ruining our county and it must be reversed. Unqualified office holders are destroying this county. Contrast the success of Talbot County with the abject decline of Dorchester County. It is a nightmare.

in any group, political or otherwise, there is the good and ‘the not so good.’ When you vote the party, and not the person, you are electing ‘the not so good.’ It is time to change that. We need to elect people of foresight and vision to turn this county around. Some present officeholders should be replaced by more qualified people.

Some of our present elected officials are highly qualified but some are not.

Sheriff Philips is an asset to this county and should be re-elected. So should Doris Lewis as Register of Wills. Senator Addie Eckardt should be re-elected. So should Johnny Mautz. All of these have served with distinction and should be re-elected.

The lack of vision by our County Commissioners is deplorable. Their sinecure needs ending by our voters who should be investing in the future rather than by repeating the mistakes of the past. The commissioners sit around telling each other what a great job they are doing and nothing significant ever gets done. Many politicians are all blow and no-go. We see that across our country — partisan politics.

Jay Newcomb, by his own success and business knowledge, should be elected to the council. He has the business acumen this present council lacks.

Successful people produce success. Failures always produce failures and that is why Dorchester County is in decline, The blind are leading the blind, and we all are falling into the pit. It is time to save this county by electing qualified people.


The Rev. Robert G. Kirkley

(A Dorchester taxpaying landowner since 1971) Taylors Island.

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