We need an assault
weapons ban – NOW
In his letter last week (Aug. 14), Bill Patchett said no laws will stop an evil person from killing others, and that we’ll have to leave it to God to rid our world of evil people before mass killings will stop. He is wrong. If you follow his argument, we shouldn’t need any laws on the books to prevent someone from taking someone else’s life, so why don’t we just wipe them out. Nonsense.
In all the numerous mass shootings we’ve seen in the past several decades, the shooter’s weapon of choice has been a rapid-fire assault weapon holding large numbers of bullets; i.e., high capacity magazines. Why? So he can kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time. That is what they’re designed for. If he hadn’t had that kind of weapon to use, lives would have been spared. That only takes common sense to understand.
Mr. Patchett claims that no laws could stop such an evil shooter from getting such a weapon. Then how does he explain the success of the Assault Weapons Ban we had during the decade 1994-2004. Studies of the effect of that ban show it significantly reduced deaths from mass shootings from levels before and after the ban. We desperately need such a ban now, possible with improvements.
Now, remedies being discussed feature expanded background checks and red flag laws. These would at least be something, more than the Republicans’ stonewalling have allowed so far – but wouldn’t have prevented the most recent slaughters in El Paso and Dayton, or many of the other mass killings where shooters purchased their weapons legally.
However, if they had been unable to lay their hands on military weapons of war, the kinds they used (AK-47 in El Paso, AR-15 in Dayton), then the death toll would have been much lighter before the shooter was taken out. Banning these weapons would have already saved hundreds of lives of innocent Americans.
The 2nd Amendment does not guarantee a person’s right to own a mass killing assault weapon, any more than it guarantees the right to own automatic machine guns. The recent Supreme Court’s Heller decision allows for sensible gun regulations.
There is no legitimate reason to own assault weapons, given the danger they represent. No self-respecting hunter will tell you he needs one to hunt, and having them to defend against the government is ludicrous given the firepower at the government’s disposal. Wanting one for target practice is the weakest argument imaginable.
And don’t buy the NRA argument that there are too many already out there to enforce a ban. Anything our country decides to do it can, it’s only a matter of will.
We need an assault weapons ban – NOW!
Mike Brown
Neck District
Dorchester County
Vets Helping Vets
First and foremost, we older veterans thank you younger men and women now serving in all five branches (for what we had honorably and you presently) protecting our country, its citizens, their freedoms, rights, and privileges.
Also, for establishing or maintaining freedoms for others world-wide while risking life and limb.
Again, we thank and salute you for your service.
For you veterans, those presently serving, your families, dependents, and future military enlistees that have not been able to attend our Friday morning 9:30 a.m. meetings at Hurlock’s American Legion Post 243 or listened to our radio broadcasts on WHCP 101.5 FM on Sundays at 3 p.m., and Tuesdays at 1 p.m. I’ll give you a brief resume of our group, who have taken on the title VETS — HELPING — VETS OF DEL-MAR-VA.
We are not a 501 c.3, and seek no monetary gain. Know that we are a group of fellow veterans (who have honorably served) that have the knowledge and experience to assess, and recommend veterans who are eligible to get earned benefits for enhanced well-being.
Such as, but not limited to, and for services connected to disabilities, counseling services, outreach and community programs, continued education and training, employment, medical issues, obtaining military records and other veteran’s needs.
So, come and visit us. We can reer you to agencies that can fulfill your circumstances.
Jack Lewis
Woods Edge