Beds still available at Waugh’s Community Garden

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Posted 5/28/15

A great group of volunteers were present at the dedication of the Community Garden. CAMBRIDGE — The Cambridge Community Garden at Waugh Chapel’s mission is to “Plant Seeds of Hope to Grow Food …

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Beds still available at Waugh’s Community Garden


MD-community garden 3x dedication-052515 A great group of volunteers were present at the dedication of the Community Garden.

CAMBRIDGE — The Cambridge Community Garden at Waugh Chapel’s mission is to “Plant Seeds of Hope to Grow Food for Change.”

“Community Gardens” are just that. They area a way to bring the “Community” together through the fun and calming activity of “Garden”ing.

The vision for this community garden provides:

• a place for those who want to grow their own food

• a place for gardeners to congregate and assist each other

• a sanctuary

• food for the gardeners, the community and the food banks

• a reason to talk and gather together and a safe place to do it

MD-community garden logo-052515

The harvests will feed the gardeners and their families with many donating food to the local food banks and community members in need.

This project is a collaboration between local churches, government agencies, nonprofits, schools, master gardeners and citizens.

There are 25 raised garden beds in Phase 1 of this project. Each bed is made of cedar with marine grade hardware and filled with quality soil and leaf-gro. Plumbing with faucets and hoses have been installed for watering.

The cost to build Phase 1 was around $11,000 and was funded with grants from the Choptank Electric Trust, the Mid-Shore Community Foundation, the BPO Elks of Pine Street, Dorchester Health Department and donations from St. Vincent DePaul, Friendship and Seventh-Day Adventist churches, the Master Gardeners and generous citizens of the community.

In the fall the Cambridge Community Garden at Waugh Chapel will hold a HARVEST Dinner Celebration feeding the community with the fruits of the harvest.

Benches and a picnic table with an umbrella are needed so that the gardeners and community can rest in this peaceful place.

There are still Beds AVAILABLE. If you would like to grow your own food this year with the help of the community gardeners please join by calling Emmanuel Johnson at 410-829-0051, e-mail him at or come by the garden when you see a gardener there and talk to them.

MD-community garden 2x plots-052515 Several garden beds just waiting to be planted.

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