I am expressing my strong opposition to the Downtown Dover Partnership not putting a delay or pause on the redevelopment of the downtown Dover area, in particular with the high-rise apartment building on South Governors Avenue. While it appears the local community may be unable to prevent development and gentrification that in itself will be detrimental to the area, many residents in that neighborhood are completely opposed to the addition of this luxury apartment building, which will cause traffic and safety problems, and create even more issues with crime, panhandling and prostitution.
The safety of residents and visitors is a major concern. I am worried about the potential injury of people with crime in the area being at an all-time high. I’m also concerned about drugs and the unsanitary conditions of a rat infestation.
A thriving downtown is the heartbeat of any community. It’s where history meets progress, local businesses flourish, and residents and visitors gather to experience the true spirit of a city. Downtown holds the potential to be more than just a passthrough area — it can become the vibrant, active center our community deserves. However, this transformation requires collective effort, vision and commitment. I currently don’t see those being in existence with the partnership; it appears the tail is wagging the dog.
My fellow residents and taxpayers, let’s face the truth here: There are no tax benefits from all of this. The developers are making money and then walking away with their profits. All we get is more traffic, congestion and casualties who fall victims to crime.
I urge the Downtown Dover Partnership and city leaders to halt the project from moving forward until crime, homelessness and prostitution is eradicated or placed under control.
Chris White
Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at civiltalk@iniusa.org.