Outgoing President Joe Biden has not made a decision about where his presidential library will be. As far as Delaware sites, there have been discussions about the University of Delaware in Newark and Delaware State University in Dover, as well as somewhere in Wilmington. Where do you think it should be?
Rehoboth, in his beach house. Then, it will be a tourist attraction on a rainy day at the beach. — Eugenia Thornton-Kent County Recorder of Deeds
Either university would be great. The more libraries on or near college campuses, the better. — Nicholas Joseph
Anywhere Downstate. — Terri Lynn
My understanding was it was going to be that (sadly) abandoned mansion outside of Wilmington. As much as I may not approve of Joe Biden, I would like to see that piece of history saved and rebuilt. — Dave Fisher
University of Delaware. — Amy Holloway
Of course, he says he doesn’t have the money. He wants someone else to pay for it, preferably the taxpayers. — Gerald Jerry Rice
All presidential libraries are funded by private donations, not taxpayer money. “A Presidential Library is constructed with private or non-Federal funds donated to non-profit organizations typically established by the former President for the express purpose of building a Presidential Library and supporting its programs.” — Ruth M. Hayden
Scranton, Pennsylvania. — Marc Kucek
University of Delaware in Newark. — Penny Carney
Please keep it out of Kent and Sussex. We did not vote for him; only New Castle supported him. — Ellen Hart Richardson
Don’t waste money on it. — Robert Clark
Anywhere but Dover. — Joey Sivak
Nowhere. He’s not deserving of one. — Jack Jordan
This library should be located between Kent and Sussex counties. New Castle gets all the good stuff, and now, it’s time for Downstate to get a few nice things. A good library and additional rooms for meetings, seminars and teaching are needed. We have several good schools that would benefit from a quality library. Please share the knowledge, and let Downstate benefit this time. — Vincent Deskiewicz
Since Joe Biden’s record of government service is hidden in the basement of the University of Delaware so that it cannot be seen, there is no need for a Biden presidential library. His presidential papers can be stored there with his Senate records. — Stan Lakey
I think the location should be somewhere that is easy to access. I think a good spot would be the Buena Vista conference center. It’s outside Wilmington, with easy access from both directions. There is plenty of land to build on and plenty of room to put parking lots. If it’s put on either college campus, there will be parking and security issues. — Stan Sipple
The former president attended the University of Delaware, so the main campus for the main library but a smaller research library at the Rehoboth campus, close to the “Summer White House.” I met Dr. Jill Biden while attending postgraduate classes at the university with her, so it represents both of them! — Lee Revis-Plank
With the growing population due to more age 55-plus developments, it would be nice to see a library between Magnolia and Frederica, in the area of Little Heaven or Bowers Beach. — Liz Killian