Are you inspired by Jimmy Carter’s improbable rise to the presidency and all that he achieved after his time in office? How will you best remember him?
The failed rescue of American hostages in Iran and giving away the Panama Canal. — Pops Steven
Iran. — Jonathan Contant
From my perspective, Jimmy Carter was a terrible president (18% interest rate on first mortgages!) but an awesome human being, who truly made a positive impact on humankind after he left office. Note: He did not pardon his brother for the brother’s crimes, and he did not purchase a $15 million summer cottage on Cape Cod after leaving office. He was truly a man of integrity. — Ellen Hart Richardson
Good man; bad president. The difference between him and Joe Biden is that Jimmy had good intentions and meant well. — Bob Hice
Showing weakness abroad to our enemies, an example well learned and fully demonstrated by the current and outgoing president. — Dennis Kirkwood
A kind, Christian man, who truly loved people. — Katherine D. Clay
Improbable rise? He was a governor and a Naval Academy graduate. — Chad Dean