There’s now one wireless tablet allocated for each person housed at a Delaware Department of Correction facility. The program, announced Nov. 21, is a shift from the prior 6-to-1 prisoner-to-device ratio. But, Correction officials note, the additional technology involves no taxpayer money, as the department is working with a contracted vendor that supplies the tablets at no cost.
- I just read the article on the inmates getting tablets while housed in Department of Correction facilities. I do not think this is right! The people in the correctional system are there for a reason, “to pay for the wrong that they did,” not get rewarded. It seems like the criminals have more rights and privileges than the law-abiding citizens. The money they use for the “privileges” should be used for the needy and hungry, and to combat homelessness. If you do the crime, do the time! Chain gangs should come back. — Name withheld