Sipple: Nonbiological bathrooms could attract predators


I wanted to express my opinion on transgender bathrooms. First of all, I want to say congratulations to U.S. Rep.-elect Sarah McBride of Delaware. I voted for her, and I think she’ll be a great representative.

That said, I agree that separate bathrooms for transgender individuals should be a requirement. Laws are needed — not for fine, outstanding people like Sarah but for the 1% who will likely take advantage of it.

There are sexual predators, pedophiles, etc., who will likely dress up and start using the nonbiological bathrooms. It will happen. I want a law to make stiff penalties for these types of people. I don’t want parents to have to worry when their child goes to the bathroom in a public place.

This issue is a sign of the times that we need to get together and come up with a solution that is fair for both parties.

Stan Sipple


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