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Last days of summer fishing still successful on Delmarva

By Rich King
Posted 8/30/23

The fishing is still all the summer suspects as we await the fall fish runs. The summer puppy drum are thick and small, red drum are around Assateague and we are hoping to see that usual one-day red …

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Last days of summer fishing still successful on Delmarva


The fishing is still all the summer suspects as we await the fall fish runs. The summer puppy drum are thick and small, red drum are around Assateague and we are hoping to see that usual one-day red drum run in Delaware about mid-September into October. Last year, it lasted for a few weeks. That’s a bonus. Usually you just hear about it and then everyone runs out to catch. Meanwhile, there aren’t any around anymore. Let’s hope for another few-week red drum Delaware run this year.

Still haven’t seen any pompano for the summer, but the other surf fish have been plentiful for Delaware. We doubled up on spot this week for a while close to the surf line.

The fun part of fishing this week is being surrounded by all this weather. We get the storm surges before the storms and that wind. The super full moon won’t help at high tide. Super moon refers to the fact the moon is closer in its orbit than normal so it will push and pull water more extreme.

Orbits are elliptical not round. At times the moon is much closer than usual and at times farther away. That translates to lower and higher tides than normal days and normal full moons. These higher tides could close a few beaches during high tide. Assateague was already washing over Wednesday afternoon in some spots.

Kingfish are hitting better. Fishbites, sand fleas, squid pieces and bloodworms are the baits of choice. A kingfish makes a great taco and the carcass is great drum bait. The whole fish makes great bait too. It’s just hard for many anglers to cut up a really edible fish, much like using blue crabs for bait. Many won’t due to expense but they are amazing bait. Cut the knuckles out and use those on a hook. Or use the entire crab, pop off the claws for the frying pan.

The surf has seen random bluefish catches. These have not been numerous in the surf but are around. There are schools that move into the inlets with the tides. You have to be there when that happens. Moving water brings in or moves out fish. It depends on the fish and the body of water.

Fishing rough water is fun but can be dicey if you aren’t careful. Always watch your back if you are standing in the surf zone water. You never know what will wash in behind you and take out your legs. Boards with nails are the worst. Also, if you are driving a recently storm-washed beach, do not drive through the wrack line buildup. I have found small 4 by 4 pieces with huge spike nails in them before. That will destroy a tire.

The Point in Cape Henlopen State Park opens Friday. Now we can fish. On weekdays still, but yeah. It’s the best surf structure in Delaware.

We use the current to pull our gear around The Point in the rips and try to catch the large fish that camp in that current, hunting for food. We look like a conga line starting on one end, drifting the gear around The Point then walking back and starting again. Sometimes we can sit there and let it sit in the rips. It depends how the water is moving and how many are fishing.

Surf fishing The Point, you are not going to hold bottom too far out. You are standing on the dry side of a hundred-foot shoal edge. It’s much like a large sand dune underwater, that is constantly shifting out front. Don’t ever swim at The Point, even bayside. That’s another fun story for another day. I have a 150-foot rope in my truck for The Point just in case we need to fish for humans who don’t listen to warnings or read signs.

Bay fishing has been decent this summer and still is for this time of year. The Cape Henlopen Fishing Pier has seen decent action this year as well, with a variety of species. It’s probably the most spade fish anyone has ever caught from land in Delaware. The mullet are starting to come out into the bay and eventually the ocean.

The Inland Bays are loaded with bait. My shrimp fly is producing some fish but they prefer the peanut bunker, mullet, and silversides right now. The short striped bass are schooling up a little more, like they know what’s about to occur in a couple months.

There will be some more windfarm survey work done soon but only for two weeks outside of the Indian River Inlet and another area. Noninvasive electronics as usual — not the oil and gas seismic air guns everyone mistakes for the survey gear used by wind farm companies.

The fact you tell people that and they ignore the facts is amazing. Did you know many of the electronics today for just boats and ships are worse than the electronics used for windfarm surveys?

There was a glitch in the last survey collection and Orsted needs a little redo. Had someone left these folks alone, and not harassed their gear, they wouldn’t have to be out there again. They are taking a beating trying to get this done and out of the way as fast as possible. No reason to beat them up anymore.

One other tidbit, if you call it a windmill, I immediately tune you out. It is a turbine. We are not making flour offshore. If you can’t talk about the actual gear being used, there is no point in discussing it. It’s like talking cars but you keep referring to your go-kart.

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