peel back effect

Elmlund: In support of increasing density in Salisbury


I am writing to give my support for increasing the occupancy density in downtown and elsewhere in Salisbury City.

The concern for parking space expressed by others is understandable. However, we, the residents of Wicomico County,
should look beyond today's and yesterday's lifestyle. We also should consider what we can expect to happen in the next five to ten years.

Salisbury as well as the county cannot remain in the past and think that each of us need easy access to a space for our cars.

We have several very important employers, TidalHealth, Salisbury University, Perdue to mention the largest in our county. Young professionals are known to delay buying a home and prefer to rent. If we want Salisbury to become a city with a lively nightlife, we need to plan for highrise buildings in which both young and old people can enjoy easy access to restaurants, shops, entertainment without jumping into a car. In some major cities like New York City, people rent a car when they need to drive somewhere. Is it too far-fetched to think that the young generation in five to ten years may prefer to rent rather than own a car? In some countries citizens actually rent a car for an hour like we rent an electric scooter and pay for the mileage used at the destination.

What is most important for city leaders when it comes to utilizing an open space?. To build apartments or to make it into parking lots?

Which choice offers downtown to become a place where the sidewalks do not roll up at 6 p.m.?

Lennart Elmlund
Mardela Springs resident

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