peel back effect

Becker: How much influence does US Wind have?


Rep. Claire Snyder-Hall, D-Rehoboth Beach, laments the decision by Sussex County Council to deny a conditional use permit for an electrical substation that would serve the US Wind project (“US Wind initiative would be positive move”). She then begins to lecture us on how “special interests tied to Big Oil are desperate to protect their bank accounts.” Is Ms. Snyder-Hall implying that Big Oil is influencing the outcome of the US Wind project?

The Delaware Campaign Finance Reporting System is a great tool to find political contributions made to elected officials. A search of contributions made to council members returned no corporations whose names indicated any affiliation with Big Oil.

However, when the site was searched for contributions made by US Wind, it shows that the company has given $7,700 to various Delaware Democrats, beginning in 2022. Each contribution to a candidate was the maximum of $600. US Wind also sent the Delaware Democrats Political Action Committee $1,500 in 2023 and 2024. The Democrats who have received money from US Wind are Rep. Melissa Minor-Brown of New Castle, Rep. Kerri Evelyn Harris of Dover, Sen. Bryan Townsend of Newark, Sen. Elizabeth “Tizzy” Lockman of Wilmington, Sen. Dave Sokola of Newark, former Rep. Valerie Longhurst, Sen. Russ Huxtable of Lewes and former Sen. Kyle Evans Gay.

Isn’t it interesting how Ms. Snyder-Hall neglected to mention the special interest US Wind has taken in our elected officials’ campaign accounts? Perhaps she should discuss the ethical and perception issues with her colleagues who have received money from a corporation with business pending before the state.

Scott Becker

New Castle

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