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SOCIAL COMMENTARY: Closing a chapter


Acorn Books, in Dover’s Gateway West shopping center, has announced it will shut down June 13. (Delaware State News/K.I. White) Acorn Books, in Dover’s Gateway West shopping center, has announced it will shut down June 13. (Delaware State News/K.I. White)[/caption]

Here’s a selection of opinions and reactions readers have shared at and

In Saturday’s Delaware State News, readers were saddened to learn of the closing of Acorn Books, the only bookstore in Kent County:

•Very sorry to see this. Support local independent bookstores! Let’s hope they find another location. — Nancy Day Sakaduski

•I hope they do find a new home. We need a book store in town. — Margarett Burns

•Acorn’s revenue was made through books. However, it’s biggest impact on the community was through the groups and open mics it sponsored.

•Independent bookstores are a necessity in fostering writing and the art that keeps reading and literary arts alive. Delaware fine arts need to come behind and support such establishments so that literature and writing still remain a personal interaction among writers, creative individuals and not a sterilized experience. — Joyce Maust Enzor

•Come to the south side of Dover!! Partner with the coffee guy that had to close in that same shopping center. — Beth Rosebrooks

•With all the empty storefronts in Dover, it’s sad if something can’t be worked out. A store like this is greatly needed. — Stacey Mikulak

•They were the sweetest people I’ve ever met! They helped me whenever I needed it and gave me some great book recommendations! I am very sad to see them go but whenever they do find their location, I’ll be there! — Katlyn Allen

•Another Amazon/online victim. Hard to compete with unlimited, instant, 24-hour (never leave your house) selection and service with delivery to one’s doorstep. — Gerald Rice

•I hope they open where the readers are — in the historic downtown area they will be close to the library, the arts venues, the tourist who walk everywhere, the jurors in between sessions and all the college students, not to mention the locals who live in the immediate area who love books. We have the Maurice Sendak exhibit next year and they can capitalize on his books. They need to be where the customers will be repeat — not depend upon high visibility in an expensive location. — N. Taylor Collins

•All my best to Ms. Jewell for opening up as to the challenges she and every small business face. My prayers for her and her staff as she makes the needed adjustments to continue serving her customers. — Mark Pugh

•It is very hard for small businesses to make it. I know from personal experience. We are still struggling. Hope they get to reopen! — Vickie Logue

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