If our Delaware politicians keep kicking the can down the road and not concentrating on solving the $8 billion deficit that the state retirees’ fund is experiencing, then who will solve this problem?
I continue to read about the state retirees’ health care issues, but I rarely read about the private-sector health care issues. ALL retirees are paying for the state retirees’ Cadillac benefits.
I don’t begrudge state retirees their health care benefits, but how about our legislators step up to the plate to do something to alleviate the pain for all retirees — both public and private?
The press has been dominated by articles concerning the state retirees. Maybe the Daily State News should interview some private-sector employees and ascertain how many even have any health care benefits other than Medicare. How many have any financial assistance from their private-sector employer after they retire?
How about comparing the average private-sector retiree with the state retirees and see who comes out on top? After all, everybody worked thinking their health care benefits would last their entire lives.
How about passing legislation that would bar any employer from offering Medicare Advantage? If it isn’t good enough for state retirees, then something is seriously wrong with that plan. Thus, nobody should be participating in it.
Jim Berrigan
Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at civiltalk@iniusa.org.