By Ken Abraham
There is a place, a facility, a home, right here in Dover, that truly is an extraordinary accomplishment. It is part school, part healing center, part training center, part spiritual center, part boarding facility and much more. It is, unknown to many, a fantastic financial asset to the community and to the entire state.
For every dollar spent in supporting/operating this place, facility, home, it returns 10 to the community! Yes, for every dollar invested – grants or donations from folks like you – there is a tenfold return on investment. That is virtually unheard of with the more common investments. But, as I said, this is not a common entity. The chairperson of this amazing place, facility, home, Jeanine Kleimo, has the numbers that establish this.
For more than 12 years, since its beginning in the top floor of the parish hall at Christ Episcopal Church, Dover Interfaith Mission for Housing has been a truly extraordinary accomplishment. Saving and rebuilding the lives of “the forgotten people” – the homeless – it has worked wonders.
Like any organization, its success is attributable to its people: the paid staff and the thousands of volunteer individuals and community organizations who help, including many of Dover’s varied faith communities. So very many fine people have enhanced not only the lives of its residents and other “forgotten people,” but the community as a whole.
Times are tough now; we all are struggling financially. But when you can, make a note and donate what you can to DIMH. You can reach them at or at DIMH, 684 Forest St., Dover, DE 19901 or by phone at 736-3600. (You may like to note that the new coronavirus relief bill makes it possible for any taxpayer to donate up to $300 to a charity and receive a tax deduction even if they don’t itemize.)
Hey, maybe you can get a tenfold return on investment somewhere else, but you will never get the gratitude that most of DIMH’s residents exude!
Ken Abraham, of Dover is founder of Citizens for Criminal JUSTICE and a former state deputy prosecutor.