Maryland author Jeremie Guy has released his novel The Third of Seven with Anaphora Literary Press. The story follows Abram Jacobson, who suffers from short-term amnesia and wakes up into a new dimension without the slightest idea of how to get home.
Joining forces with a dazzlingly attractive but deceptively strong native, Abram journeys to breathtaking new lands, encounters strange lifeforms, and constantly struggles to survive. But his troubles only start with him being trapped in a new dimension, and he soon learns an evil lord intends to murder everyone from back home. Abram is forced to fight for his life and the lives of his entire dimension, but after a while, he discovers that no one can be trusted.
He realizes that if he ever wants to see the familiar sights of home again, he must overcome his limitations and fulfill a destiny that he knows stretches beyond his abilities.
Author Jeremie Guy graduated from Towson University with an English degree and a creative writing minor. He has written and edited freelance for a number of organizations, and he sometimes dabbles as a ghostwriter for fiction and nonfiction. He has won first place in a handful of writing contests, and his creative works have appeared in a variety of publications, including an appearance in Earthbound Fiction’s short story anthology Dark Stars. He is a member of Lambda Iota Tau, international literary honors society.
Anaphora Literary Press has published over 160 creative and non-fiction books. Among these is the Pennsylvania Literary Journal, a tri-annual journal, available through EBSCO and ProQuest, which has published interviews with best-selling authors, such as Geraldine Brooks, Larry Niven, and Cinda Williams Chima, as well as the winners of the Sundance Film Festival. Anaphora authors have done readings at major venues. Several titles have been assigned in college classes, and reviewed in major publications. Anaphora is a member of IBPA and CLMP.