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Superintendent: 'Pray for our community' as it struggles to face the loss of seven children

The following message was called out to all Somerset County Public School families by Superintendent of Schools John Gaddis on the occasion of seven children ages 6 to 16 being found dead Monday, April 6 in a Princess Anne home.

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It is with a heavy heart, that I make this phone call this evening. As many of you are aware, tragedy has struck community in the Princess Anne area. Today we learned of seven siblings, all of which attended our school system that passed away. While our community struggles to deal with the loss of these students, we wanted you to know that as a school system we are prepared and ready for your children, for staff members and for your community as needed. Tomorrow, and throughout the coming days and weeks, we will have extra counselors and support at our schools. We also will have local pastors from churches at our schools as well to help not only students but staff that may need assistance. If at any time you feel the need to speak to someone we encourage you to reach out to a family friend, a family member, a pastor, or someone in your life that you will be able to talk to. The resources that we have available are coming from many, many supports and many organizations that support the Somerset County Public School System and our community. At this time we ask that you pray for our community, that you pray for our county, and that again as we have done in the past, we come together as one county to help our community, specifically our children, our families and our staff, move forward as these days go on. For those parents who have concerns about their students tomorrow, and you feel they would be better off staying home, please simply write a note to the school for the following day, letting them know that the students were out because of this situation. As always we appreciate your support, and if there is anything that we can do to help, please let us know.
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