Renewable energy is noble but needs debated guidelines


It is worth emphasizing thanks to all Crisfielder’s and its neighbors, whether of Somerset, Wicomico or Worcester county or even beyond to abstain from the erection of super-structured wind-powered generators inside or too close to congested residential or otherwise developed areas without appropriate city or county ordinances.

The worst ire in Crisfield and Somerset County apparently is the lack of an ordinance such as height, noise, setbacks, flicker and other concerns like property value. Of course some of these concerns are subject to misunderstanding and parables submitted by pros and cons.

Therefore, debates should be initiated for the affected public to attend, not just behind closed doors, before any public funding is offered in forms of grants or incentives.

To consider renewable energy, whether wind, solar, geothermal or other, is not only noble but a must in order to manage our energy resources. These are out of the ordinary operational costs but so was Henry’s Ford or Mr. Benz’s little do dinkel, not forgetting Mr. Gates. Now, almost everyone is away from the walking stick and bike and hopping from A to B a la the Wright Brothers.

Public entities are the very best guinea pig to establish the feasibility norms such as the Calvary Estates project to substitute energy for Somerset County Public Schools, for which however appropriate ordinances need yet to be established.

If it wasn’t for Dr. Christiaan Barnard, a South African heart surgeon, I wouldn’t walk on this great God-given earth with a heart valve made of “pig” components. Being a resident of this God-given great Somerset County for over 50 years, I greatly appreciate having my feelings revealed in this space. Thanks,

Klaus Trepczyk


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