peel back effect

Public asked to report illegal dumping of septage


PRINCESS ANNE — The Somerset County Sanitary District has received reports of illegal dumping by a Domestic Septage Hauler in the Town of Princess Anne and Somerset County.

These reports include the dumping of Septage Waste into the sewers of the Town of Princess Anne, dumping Septage Waste into a floor drain in a maintenance shop and the dumping of Septage Waste into a ditch.

All of the above noted actions are illegal and punishable with fines and/or jail.

The dumping of Septage Waste into manholes in the Town of Princess Anne or into drains connected to the Town of Princess Anne Sewer is prohibited by Sewer Use Ordinance Amendment #3 for the Use of Sewers Owned and/or Operated by the Somerset County Sanitary District. This Ordinance applies to the use of the sewer in Fairmount and the areas surrounding the City of Crisfield.

The City of Crisfield has a Sewer Use Ordinance that also prohibits the dumping of Septage Waste into their Sewer System.

The dumping of Septage Waste into a ditch or on the ground is prohibited by State of Maryland Environmental Laws.

If observed, the illegal disposal should be reported immediately to the Somerset County Sanitary District at 410-651-3831 or after hours at 410-726-2794, to the Somerset County Health Department at 443-523-1730 or the Maryland Department of the Environment at 1-866-633-4686. Please include in your report the Date and Time, the Location and Hauler committing the offense.

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