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Pancake suppers, Lent activities posted

County Times
Posted 2/2/16

The annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper is 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9 at the parish house of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church on Washington Street in Princess Anne. Donations accepted.


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Pancake suppers, Lent activities posted


The annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper is 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9 at the parish house of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church on Washington Street in Princess Anne. Donations accepted.


At noon on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 10, there will be a simple, spoken service with the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Washington and Church streets, Princess Anne. There will be a sung service with imposition of ashes and communion at 6 p.m.

“Ash Wednesday is a day of prayer, repentance and fasting,” notes Fr. Rob Laws, rector. If you are not able to fast due to health reasons, eat simply, avoid sugar, fat or alcohol “or by fasting other things that provide pleasure, such as television or the Internet.”

Every Wednesday during Lent, Stations of the Cross begins at 11 a.m. with a Healing Mass following at noon.

To make a confession on Ash Wednesday, or anytime during lent, contact Fr. Rob for an appointment, 410-651-2882 or

In Snow Hill, All Hallows Episcopal Church, 109 West Market Street, continues a decades-long tradition when it hosts its annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Feb. 9 from 4:30 to 7 p.m. The menu is sausage, pancakes, and baked apples.

Tickets for dine-in service are $7 for adults and $4 for children under 12 years of age who dine-in. All take-our orders are $7. Advance tickets sales only by calling 410-632-2327.

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