Learn how to make 30-minute meals through free sessions in Westover, Princess Anne

County Times
Posted 2/6/17

Chef Caitlin M. Evans WESTOVER — Your dinner doesn’t have to be what’s on the menu at the drive-thru with the kids in the back of the car, or something microwaved from the freezer while …

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Learn how to make 30-minute meals through free sessions in Westover, Princess Anne


Chef Caitlin M. Evans

WESTOVER — Your dinner doesn’t have to be what’s on the menu at the drive-thru with the kids in the back of the car, or something microwaved from the freezer while you’re watching TV. No, you can have a healthy meal for you and your family in half an hour. All it takes is a little hands-on instruction which the Somerset County Local Management Board is offering on Mondays and Wednesdays through March 1.

“Meals Together: 30-minute Meals for Families” is a free hour-long workshop for families and children which follows the Rachael Ray 30-minute approach to nutritious and healthy meals. It is held Mondays at the J.M. Tawes Technology & Career Center in Westover and on Wednesdays at the Somerset Wellness Center, 12302 Somerset Avenue, Princess Anne. The time is 6 to 7 p.m. and note there is no session Monday, Feb. 22 due to President’s Day.

There will be a cooking demonstration with supplies and materials to take home — plus free samples. Chef Caitlin Evans, a UMES graduate and Hospitality and Baking teacher at the Worcester Technical High School is the instructor.

Easy dinner ideas that will bring the family together, plus provide good food, in addition tips will be shared on how to lose weight including a story by Chef Caitlin on how she lost over 100 pounds.

Space is limited and pre-registration is required. To register contact Chef Caitlin at caitlin.evans3@gmail.com.

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