Town Square is an opinion column to which readers can submit their views. As a true community newspaper, we’re always looking for ways to include local thought and pertinent viewpoints. This column is a way to share those thoughts. Civility and fair comment will always prevail.
Local citizens continue to seek answers in the effort to improve schools.
UNTIE THEIR HANDS: I have no children in school in Dorchester County. To bash Cambridge-South Dorchester High School Principal Bromwell for not controlling the school where he’s at is totally unjust. I do know that Principal Bromwell and staff members have state-mandated rules and regulations to follow. Not guidelines. These rules must be followed, as written by the state. Instead of bashing, go to your state officials, and moan, groan and complain.
We are so busy trying to find someone to blame, we are not realizing we can form a reasonable group and ask for hearings from the state officials. I am sure that there are plenty of other Marylanders who will join a reasonable fight to untie the hands of school officials.
The Banner first shared news of cuts to local programs feeding the elderly, [“State slashes elderly meal programs,” Dorchester Banner, May 29] online on Friday. Readers responded.
TO THE TOP: Goes up to the White House as federal funds are cut and states are expected to pick up the programs. I would like to ask the lotto and casino boards to give to this fund.
PUSHED ASIDE: Again the elderly are being pushed aside. Montgomery County is the richest county in the country. Our state reps aren’t doing their jobs if they aren’t advocating for the sick and dying.
HUNGER: This is horrible. I worked for the Meals on Wheels program as a teenager in Cambridge. Many many seniors need and appreciate this program. Some will have no other means of obtaining a decent meal.
SAD: My mom depends on those meals. I am sad.
ENOUGH MONEY: Inhumane decision. What can our representatives do? They need to act. No one should be hungry in this world, in this country, in this state, in this county. There is money, it just needs to be reallocated.
CRAZY: What can we do to change that? That’s just crazy.
CHANGE: Terrible news. Things need to change!
JUSTICE: Start calling the State House and tell everyone you know who cares about Justice. Cambridge is my hometown.
Town Square - your public forum - is moderated by Dorchester Banner Editor Dave Ryan. Email your comments to