Town Square is an opinion column to which readers can submit their views. As a true community newspaper, we’re always looking for ways to include local thought and pertinent viewpoints. This column is a way to share those thoughts. Civility and fair comment will always prevail.
SAVE FOR MEDICAL PERSONNEL: I just did my weekly grocery shopping and saw multiple people with masks on pulled below their noses. We as healthcare providers cannot even get masks to protect ourselves against taking care of people that are actually sick. For the love of God people, stop it!! And if you have unused masks, turn them over to the hospital for the people who actually need them, not just for show.
FACTS ARE FACTS: Let’s deal with facts for a second, since people on the overly positive side and overly negative side of things keep trying to either act like this thing is blown out of proportion and not a big deal, or it’s the end of the world. The facts are whether anyone likes it or not, this is a big deal.
But people also can choose not to panic. What are keys things that people can do to help curb this pandemic? Well, for starters not continuing to go to large gatherings or pubs, bars, etc., or trying to find loopholes because you “can’t handle being isolated” for a little while. Give me a break, you’re part of the problem.
Also, not prepping for doomsday. Let’s act like we have some kind of common sense locked away in our brains and use good, sound judgment and buy what we need. Which is a lot less than people think it is, trust me. Save some for everyone else too.
And the most important thing: Stop sharing these bogus, made-up stats about it “not being a big deal” or it being “the biggest deal in the history of the nation.” We’ve seen worse, and we’ve seen better. But if I hear one more time about how, “The Flu causes more deaths each year,” give me a break. This is not the flu, and we need to be smart about actually doing our part to stop this thing from continuing to spread like wildfire.
THANKS TO THE HELPERS: Let’s send a shout out to everyone working on the front lines in the midst of COVID-19. Thank you to all our Dorchester County first responders, medical personnel, and employees of pharmacies, grocery stores, liquor stores, and banks. Thanks also to everyone, businesses and individuals, who are going out of their way to help their neighbors and those in need. Stay safe!
DISTRUST: Trump is trying to weed out all the reporters that show he does not know what he is doing and he does not care, just as he saw so many people dying of this virus, he started off calling it a hoax, and so did Fox News. You can not believe a thing he says. It is our own governors who are doing something for us.
PRESIDENT ASKED ABOUT VIRUS: It was a question that could have been answered by any of our previous presidents, no matter which party. But to answer, he had to have human feelings and empathy. He is devoid of both.
LACKING: His gross lack of leadership in every aspect for the position of the President of the United States is disturbing. Too bad we have to wait to vote this liar out. Anywhere else, he would have been fired a long, long time ago.
CARING FOR ALL: I have friends who are liberal and I have friends who are conservative. My liberal friends hate Trump and my conservative friends love him. Right now I don’t care about your politics, I just want to make sure everyone is safe.
Town Square - your public forum - is moderated by Dorchester Banner Editor Dave Ryan. Email your comments to