Is Humility and Hope compatible? Humility is the state of being modest, meek. Modest is humble; decent; simple. Meek is humble; gentle; patient; quiet. Hope is a feeling of confidence; expectation; to look forward to something believing that it will happen.
The Daily Record: Oct. 24, 2014 Article, can robe - be prevented? Retired Baltimore County Circuit Court Judge Lawrence R. Daniels comments on developing a judicial demeanor as a mindset. It starts with being humble and realizing people will make mistakes. You are there to serve the public. You’re not there to show you are powerful. You are not there to show lawyers you are more intelligent than they are. You are there to do justice and not judge people personally on what you think of them but in the context of the legal matter that brings them to court.
The late poet Maya Angelou states, God put rainbows in the clouds so that each of us in the dreariest and most dreaded moments can see a possibility of hope.
Lemony Snicket comments, unless you have been very, very lucky, you have undoubtedly experienced events in your life that have made you cry. So unless you have been very, very, lucky, you know that a good, long session of weeping can often make you feel better, even if your circumstances have not changed one bit.
What does Judge Lawrence R. Daniel’s comment tell us? No matter what positions of authority, we attain we must continue to be humble; realizing that all of us are to make mistakes. Public servants are servants and should not become judgmental, or overbearing. No one is more intelligent than others. We all possess various and different skill sets. The public should be served with human dignity.
What lessons can be learned from Maya Angelou comments? In our dreariest times and our most dreaded moments, we must hold on to our hope. We must realize, if we continue to do the right and correct things, there is still light at the end of darkness. Do not become fearful of those authority figures that use their positions to abuse others. Right will always continue to overcome wrong.
Remain humble. Serve others, as you would want to be served. Remain hopeful. Walk with others, not over others. God Bless.
Editor’s note: The Rev. George R. Ames Jr. is pastor of the Wesley Chapel Church on the corner of Andrews and Wesley Church Road. He may be reached at home at (410) 221-1880.