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A view of Bolingbroke Creek from the Izaak Walton League Park in Trappe. Join ShoreRivers for this view in October.
TRAPPE — Join ShoreRivers, an environmental nonprofit, and Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake (IPC), a faith-based advocacy group, for a Spiritual Nature Walk on Oct. 7, from 3-5 p.m. at the beautiful Bolingbroke Park in Trappe. ShoreRivers’ Choptank Riverkeeper Matt Pluta and IPC’s Religious Educator Kolya Braun-Greiner will guide a two-mile walk through the secluded forests that meander beside Bolingbroke Creek. All denominations and ages are welcome to join and learn more about the health of the Choptank River and the call to action that congregations can make to protect Creation. Bolingbroke Park is a pristine, little known gem of the Eastern Shore, owned by the Izaak Walton League Mid-Shore Chapter. The park has bathrooms, walking trails, and a small boat launch. Join everyone for an afternoon of inspiration, fresh air, fall foliage, and connecting with your local environment and faith. This spiritual nature walk is offered through the Stewards for Streams: Faith-Based Conservation program funded by Chesapeake Bay Trust and Delaplaine Foundation. Through Stewards for Streams, local congregations have planted native rain gardens and trees that filter and clean rain water before entering local waterways, hosted rain barrel workshops, and engaged adult and youth groups in the importance of environmental stewardship. Visit and for more information about these community organizations. The Spiritual Nature Walk is limited to 25 people. Registration closes Oct. 5. To sign up, please call Suzanne Sullivan at 443-385-0511 or email