Susan M. Bautz
Dorchester Banner/Susan M. BautzThe North Dorchester High School Senior class of 2016 sits proudly on stage as Dorchester School Superintendent Dr. Henry Wagner addresses them. Senior awards were handed out to the students as parents and friends watched.
HURLOCK — The North Dorchester High School Senior class of 2016 held its annual Awards Night on May 18 at the school. The following awards were presented to students of that class: Auxiliary of Dorchester General Hospital: Lindsey Diane Cambridge Multi-Sport Scholarship: Austin Loeffler Captain John Michael Smoot/Sons of American Revolution Award: Michael Larrimore Caroline/Dorchester County Fair Scholarship: Grace Brinsfield Charles W. Hughes Memorial Scholarship: Shabrea Molock, Ariel Wright Chesapeake College Scholarships: Andrew Clark, Jenna Robbins, Kayla Allen, Aubrey Miller, Brandon Swain, Taylor Bradley Chicone Ruritian Scholarship: Taylor Bradley, Robert Miller, Sadie Reid Children’s Home Foundation: Taylor Bradley, Destiny Davenport, Josh Hurley Delegate Christopher Adams & Delegate John Mautz District 37B: Erin Freeman, Autumn Hassler, Kaitlyn Kimball Delegate Sharee Sample: Taylor Bradley, Destiny Brown, Camille Gray, ShaBrea Molock Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Scholarship - Cambridge Alumnae Chapter: Taylor Martin Dorchester Retired Educators Association: Brad Wilson Dr. Jay Harper Memorial Scholarship: Destiny Brown Edythe M. Jolley Scholarship: Destiny Brown, Taylor Martin, Shabrea Molock Hilda Harwood Scholarship: Kayla Allen Hurlock American Legion Auxiliary Post #243: Sadie Reid Hurlock Lions Club Scholarship: Erin Freeman, Kaitlyn Kimball Hurlock United Methodist Church Book Scholarship: Taylor Bradley, Destiny Brown, Erin Freeman, Kaitlyn Kimball McDonalds Restaurants of the Eastern Shore Scholarship: Andrew Clark, Robert Miller Nathan Foundation: KaSuana McKenrick, Sadie Reid, Kayla Allen, Erin Freeman, Kaitlyn Kimball Order of the Eastern Star Annual Book Award: Destiny Brown Quota International of Cambridge: KaSuana McKenrick Senatorial Scholarship - Addie Eckardt: Kayla Abrams, Taylor Bradley, Grace Brinsfield, Mya Brooks, Destiny Brown, Erin Freeman, Camille Gray, Gabriela Jenkins, Kaitlyn Kimball, Taylor Martin, KaSuana McKenrick, Shabrea Molock, Philip Nichols, Maria Waples St. Johns Chapel Scholarship: Bailey Lowe Tidewater Farm C1ub: Taylor Bradley, Grace Brinsfield US Army Reserves Athlete Award: Noe Cervantes, Autumn Hassler US Army Reserves National Scholar Athlete Award: Kayla Allen, Austin Loeffler Maryland Army National Guard Patriot Award: Austin Loeffler, Kylie Riggin US Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award: Kayla Allen US Marine Corps Distinguished Athletic Award: Adamary Sanchez- Martinez, Sean Holiday US Marine Corps Semper Fidelis Award for Musical Excellence: Noe Cervantes Adele Tyler Scholarship: Grace Brinsfield Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. - Kappa Theta Omega Chapter Book Scholarship: KaSuana McKenrick Burger King Scholars Award: Kaitlyn Kimball Cambridge Rotary Club Weygand: Destiny Brown, Bailey Lowe Captain Adam Mooney: Erin Freeman Daniel H & G. Ruth Wright Memorial Scholarship: Grace Brinsfield Dorchester Ruritan Educational Scholarship: Destiny Davenport, JaQuan Hammond Masonic Charities of Maryland Scholarship: Destiny Brown Grand National Waterfowl Educational Trust: Lindsey Corkran, Erin Freeman Harold Baines/David Frey Scholarship: Taylor Bradley, Kaitlyn Kimball, Taylor Martin, Sadie Reid, Brad Wilson National Wild Turkey Federation Scholarship: Taylor Bradley Robert & Ann R. Burns Scholarship: Taylor Martin Skills USA-Automotive Refinishing: Thomas Arnold US Airforce Math Award: Erin Freeman US Airforce Science Award: Austin Loeffler Wendy’s High School Heisman Award: Destiny Brown, Finalist Hurlock Lions Club Award: Destiny Brown Rotary Club Service Above Self Award: Taylor Bradley, Evan Stiles NDHS Athletic Award: Noe Cervantes, Kayla Allen Dave Monroe Multi- Sport Award: Kayla Allen, Sean Holiday Davinci Art Award: Sara Robinette John Philip Sousa Award: Kyla Thompson National Choral Award: Destiny Brown William Peterson Memorial Scholarship: Grace Brinsfield Austin Dixon Memorial Scholarship: Destiny Brown Gabriel Garcia Marquez Scholarship: Adamary Sanchez-Martinez JPK Scholarship The funding for the JPK Scholarship Awards comes from an anonymous donor and this year the awards are collectively worth $35,000. Scholarships have been awarded to 32 seniors. The recipients are: Kayla Abrams, Kayla Allen, Taylor Bradley, Grace Brinsfield, Mya Brooks, Destiny Brown, Paxton Citrone, Andrew Clark, Lindsey Corkran, Courtney Coulbourne, Destiny Davenport, Jared Feldman, Erin Freeman, Camille Gray, Autumn Hassler, Trevor Hughes, Joshua Hurley, Katelyn Jaso, Kaitlyn Kimball, Bailey Lowe, Taylor Martin, Ka’Suana McKenrick, Robert Miller, ShaBrea Molock, Phillip Nichols, Sadie Reid, Maurice Sampson, Karelly Sanchez-Martinez. Hanna Smith, Kyla Thompson, Allison Whitman and Brad Wilson.