peel back effect

Lindsay: Density increase will not address affordable housing


In response to Jared Schablein's opinion piece on "Randy Taylor's veto is conflict of interest", I would like to continue to point out Mr. Schablein's contradictions.

First, this density increase is not going to address affordable housing. Please stop mixing the two. Affordable housing will continue to be an issue for the foreseeable future and this density issue will only bring a certain population to downtown. Let's be honest, this will do nothing for surrounding neighborhoods that have been overlooked for over 10 years. Secondly, digging into campaign contributions to see who gave what to a particular person can be done for everyone. I'm pretty sure people who donated to city council members are for the density increase. So what does that prove?

On a final note, let's address some words Mr. Schablein used in this opinion piece and again let's have some integrity here. He used words such as " transparency", public service", "ethical concerns", "ethical leadership", "accountability", and " fairness". Really? I think he needs a reminder because there are receipts.

Mr. Schablein is the Chair at Shore Progress and was the former Eastern Shore Organizer at ACLU of Maryland. While in both roles he was not transparent on how he was assisting Megan Outten in her campaign for Mayor of City of Salisbury which, in my opinion, is not being a quality public servant and definitely brings up some ethical concerns. He has not been held accountable for his discrimination tactics against the only African American candidate for Mayor, Jernicahel Mitchell, and still has not apologized personally to him. I guess because he takes pictures with our African American Governor he thinks it ok. I wonder if he thinks it was fair on how he treated Jermichael.

I am a big believer in holding our elected officials accountable, but when we only hold those accountable because they have a "R" or "D" behind their names is fake and phony. Jared Schablein, accountability? Start with yourself please.

Kevin Lindsay
Fruitland resident

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