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Harriet Tubman park manager speaks at Woman’s Club

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Posted 11/5/17

CAMBRIDGE — The Cambridge Woman’s Club held its regular meeting on Nov. 3 at noon in the clubhouse at 417 High St. Dana Paterra, park manager, spoke on “The Making of a Park: Harriet Tubman …

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Harriet Tubman park manager speaks at Woman’s Club


CAMBRIDGE — The Cambridge Woman’s Club held its regular meeting on Nov. 3 at noon in the clubhouse at 417 High St. Dana Paterra, park manager, spoke on “The Making of a Park: Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center.”

A native of the Eastern Shore, Dana Paterra has nearly 20 years of experience interpreting natural and cultural resources as well as seven years of park operations and management experience.

Dana earned her bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from the University of Virginia. Dana’s career and family have taken her from her hometown of Chincoteague, Va. to St. Charles, Ariz. and Charleston, SC where she gained experience working for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, state agencies, and county government.

Prior to relocating to the Cambridge area, her position as a park manager near Charleston, SC allowed her the opportunity to manage former rice and tea plantations for wildlife while preserving and interpreting the important cultural resources of the park.

In August, 2014, Dana was selected as the park manager for the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park. A career of multidisciplinary work in biology, interpretation, and management as well as personal interests and passions provide Dana with a solid background as she participates in aspects of park design and development as well as formulates and executes a successful operational plan for the new park.

Dana currently resides in East New Market and enjoys spending time with her family, gardening, and travel.

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