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Final meeting of public schools' Superintendent’s Advisory Council

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Posted 4/19/17

CAMBRIDGE — On April 5, DCPS Superintendent Dr. Henry Wagner invited all past and current members of his Superintendent’s Advisory Council for a final meeting and thank you luncheon. This …

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Final meeting of public schools' Superintendent’s Advisory Council


CAMBRIDGE — On April 5, DCPS Superintendent Dr. Henry Wagner invited all past and current members of his Superintendent’s Advisory Council for a final meeting and thank you luncheon. This Advisory Council was one of a variety of initiatives Dr. Wagner pledged upon becoming superintendent of DCPS in 2010 to promote the mission of the school system. The Advisory Council has been a diverse group of Dorchester business, community, government, and faith-based leaders who have provided vitally important counsel to Dr. Wagner on a wide range of issues.

At the final gathering, Dr. Wagner extended his sincere gratitude for all of the contributions of this esteemed group. He credited them with many of the leadership insights and innovations that have helped to advance the school system in so many ways.

Included in the positive outcomes that have been fostered by this group have been an exponential increase in volunteerism, a steady rise in scholarship dollars, a corresponding rise in graduation rates, and a virtual closing of the “graduation rate gap” between African American and white students. Indeed, the Advisory Council has been pivotal in advancing each of Dr. Wagner’s eight Second Term Priorities listed below:

Second Term Priorities

• Closing the persisting achievement/opportunity gaps with respect our minority, FARM, and special education populations

• Fostering a more diverse and competitively compensated workforce

• Advancing our state rankings with respect to prominent indicators of accountability

• Achieving PARCC Assessment readiness through full implementation of the Common Core State Standards and by advancing technological capacity

• Expanding Prekindergarten opportunities

• Securing the resources for a new North Dorchester High School

• Addressing projected enrollment increases in a proactive manner

• Expanding the appropriate use of technology into instructional and administrative processes

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