Nazarene Services On Sunday at 10:45 a.m. the Rev. Richard Prahl will be preaching on Luke 13:31-35. Special music will be provided by Debra Groh. March 13 at 6:30 p.m. Jonathan Phillips, missionary …
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Nazarene Services
On Sunday at 10:45 a.m. the Rev. Richard Prahl will be preaching on Luke 13:31-35. Special music will be provided by Debra Groh. March 13 at 6:30 p.m. Jonathan Phillips, missionary to Romania will be a guest. The church is located at 97 Sandy Hill Road in Cambridge. The public is invited to all services.
Gleaners Class
The Gleaners Class of St. Paul’s UM Church in Cambridge will meet at 9:45 a.m. Sunday with Dot Bradshaw teaching the lesson and Gloria Whaley having the devotions. The Richardson Men’s Class will have devotions and lesson by Leon Peters.
Grace UMC
Services at Grace UM Church in Cambridge on Sunday are as follows: 9:45 a.m. Early morning Grace. Speaker and leader, Pastor Dan. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. Baraca Class. (Baraca Class live on WCEM - 1240 AM). Christine Kidd, guest singer. Dr. Hines Class with Shelley McCollister. 11 a.m. Worship. Speaker, Pastor Dan. Scripture: Exodus 3:13-22. Message: “Moses Quandary - part 2.”
Sister to Sister
Sister to Sister is a women’s ministry of the New Life Christian Church and Ministries. The ministry meets the 2nd Saturday of every month with a themed event for food, fellowship and/or prayer. There is no charge and all are welcome.
Bring a friend and enjoy the fellowship. The church is located at 923 Phillips St., Cambridge. Biship Weldon M. Johnson is the presiding prelate.
Community Soup Day
Free soup from 10 a.m. to noon at Zion Baptist Church, 600 Cross St., Cambridge.
March 16, 23. All are invited. Elder Craig N. Mathies Sr. is pastor.
Annual Women’s Day
Hurlock United Methodist Church – Annual Women’s Day will be celebrated on March 17 at 3:30 p.m.
The theme is “Take Up Your Cross and Walk.” First Lady Linda Tilghman of the Cambridge-Vienna Ministries will deliver the message. Dinner will be served at 2 p.m. The Rev. Darlene Dixon is the host pastor.
Chancel Choir
Bethel A.M.E’s Chancel Choir will celebrate its 77th Anniversary on March 17. Featured will be the New Revelations Baptist Church in concert at 3:30 p.m. The Rev. William Hitchens Jr. is pastor.
A fellowship lite meal will be served and a freewill offering will be accepted.
For information contact Jacquelyn C. Hull, president at 410-228-8737.
The Rev. Randolph Fitchett Jr. is host pastor. The church is located at 623 Pine St., Cambridge.
Ladies' Prayer Breakfast
March’s Ladies' Prayer Breakfast will be hosted by the Immanuel United Church of Christ, US Rt. 50 and White Hall Road, Cambridge on March 16 at 8 a.m.
This is a nondenominational event and all are welcome. For more information you may call 410-228-3396.
Bible Studies
on Revelation
All are welcome to participate in a Bible study of chapters -13 in th Bible book of Revelation, held on Wednesdays, 7 p.m. at Faith Baptist Fellowship, 1312 Race St., Cambridge.
The study is lead by the church’s pastor, the Rev. Randall Blackmon. Call the church office for more information at 410-221-5104.
Annual Men’s Day
Mt. Pleasant UM Church, 4202 Maiden Forest Road, Salem, will celebrate Men’s Day at 3;30 p.m. on March 17.
Guest preacher will be Elder Johnathan Tilghman, of Greater New Hope Church and Ministries. He will be accompanied by his choir. Dinner will be served at 2 p.m. Host pastor is the Rev. Ashley L. Jones. The public is invited.
Annual Men’s Breakfast
Waters UM Church, 4561 Fork Neck Road will celebrate its annual Men’s Breakfast on March 23 from 7 to 9:30 a.m. for a donation of $7.
The Rev. Rosalyn Watts is host pastor with Lawrence E. Pinder, president.
The Blood Service
The Building Fund Committee of Greater Mt. Olive Full Gospel Baptist Church will host a Blood Service at 4 p.m. on March 24 at the church.
Guest preacher will be Apostle Brenda Smack of the Agape Tabernacle of Seaford, Del.
Annual Ushers’ Day
Wesley United Methodist Church in Vienna is having its Annual Ushers’ Day Service on March 31,at 3:30 p.m..
The guest speaker will be the Rev. DeAngelo Johnson from Macedonia United Methodist Church in Chance with his Choir and Congregation. Host Pastor is the Rev. Jerome Tilghman Sr.
Wesleyan Activities
The Cambridge Wesleyan Church is now offering two services. 8:30 a.m. Traditional service and 10:45 a.m. a Contemporary service. Sunday,
The church is located at 801 Race St., Cambridge (corner of Race and Washington). Host pastor is Pastor Jack Diehl.
Bus Trip
Brookview Church will sponsor a bus trip to Sights & Sounds Theater to see “Jesus” on March 30. Each tickets includes, bus seat, 3 p.m. show seat, lunch at Hershey Farms, fun and snack on bus.
Total cost is: adult, $125 or ages 3-12, $75. 50 percent nonrefundalbe deposit due this month with remainder of cost due Feb. 15.
Bus stops at Brookview, Federalsburg and Denton.
For information or payments contact Susan at 443-521-1477. Sponsored by congregation of Brookview UM Church, 5136 Rhodesdale/Eldorado Road, Brookview.
Gospel Choir in Concert
The UMES Gospel Choir of Princess Anne will be in concert at 3:30 p.m. on April 14 at the Bethel AME Church, 623 Pine St., Cambridge.
The concert is sponsored by the Inspirational Voices of Praise with president, Bonnie Cromwell.
Host pastor is the Rev. Randolph Fitchett Jr. The public is invited.
Retirement Weekend
A retirement weekend event for Jay Caldwell will be held starting May 18, 6 p.m. at the Ezion Fair Baptist Church, 1400 B St., Wilmington, Del.
Tickets are $25 advance only. (Presentations will only be given at the banquet.)
On May 19 at 7 p.m. at the Ezion Baptist Church the Gospel Ambassadors will present their final concert with lead singer, Jay Caldwell. Tickets are $20 in advance only with limited seating. Also featured will be The Brooklyn All-Stars; The Sensational Nightingales; The Miffin Sisters; Just Us; Evangelist Serena Ford and The Inspirational Gospel Singers.
For information contact Mary Elliott-Stanley at 410-725-9002; Joanna Caldwell, 302-658-0278 or Evang. Serena Ford, 302-377-7895.