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Church bulletin for week of March 21

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Posted 3/24/18

Services at Grace UMC

Grace UM Church, 501 Race St., Cambridge will have the following services Sunday: 8:45 a.m. Early Morning Grace. Leader, Gail Skinner. Speaker, Pastor Tina. 9:45 a.m. …

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Church bulletin for week of March 21


Services at Grace UMC

Grace UM Church, 501 Race St., Cambridge will have the following services Sunday: 8:45 a.m. Early Morning Grace. Leader, Gail Skinner. Speaker, Pastor Tina. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. Baraca Class live on WCEM-1240 AM. Unity, guest singers. Dr. Hines Class. Penny Doty, teacher. 11 a.m. Worship. Speaker, Pastor Tina. Message: “Don’t Forget - Pass It On.” Scripture: Exodus 12:1-28.

Lenten Lunches

The final Community Lenten Noontime Lunch will be held March 20.

Held in the Baraca Room of Grace Church in Cambridge, there will be a 20-minute Lenten devotional by variuos community pastors followed by a soup and sandwich lunch served by various community churches.

Nazarene Services

At the Cambridge Church of the Nazarene, Sunday at 10:45 a.m. the Rev. Richard Prahl will be preaching on Mark 11:1-11. The Ridgeway Puppeteers will be presenting, “Alive Forever.”

Wesleyan Activities

The Cambridge Wesleyan Church is now offering two services. 8:30 a.m. Traditional service and 10:45 a.m. a Contemporary service. Sunday,

The church is located at 801 Race St., Cambridge (corner of Race and Washington). Host pastor is Pastor Jack Diehl.

Gleaners and

Richardson Men

The Gleaners Class of St. Paul’s UM Church in Cambridge will meet at 9:45 a.m. Sunday with Gloria Whaley having the devotions and Gary Hickman teaching the lesson. The Richardson Men’s Class will meet Sunday at 9:45 a.m. with Shawn Peters having the devotions and teaching the lesson.

Sunrise Service

You are invited to worship with everyone and enjoy breakfast together at our “Sunrise Easter Service,” April 1, at 7 a.m., on the grounds of Faith Baptist Fellowship, 1312 Race St., Cambridge.

Please RSVP for breakfast by calling 410-221-5104. Donations are accepted. Pastor Randall Blackmon and Faith church family look forward to celebrating our Savior’s resurrection with you.

Easter Sunday Schedule: Sunday School - 8:30 a.m. Worship - 10 a.m.

Noonday services

New Life Christian Church and Ministries, 923 Phillips St., Cambridge holds noonday services every Wednesday. 6:30 p.m. Bible Study Series “The Necessity of a Consistent Christian Life.” Open to the public. For more information, contact New Life Church at: 410-221-7853.

Church Anniversary

John Wesley UM Church, Liners Road will mark the 117th Church Anniversary at 3;30 p.m. on Sunday.

Speaker will be Pastor Carlston Brisco of Kingdom Church Ministries with his choir and congregation. A fellowship meal will be served prior to the program beginning at 1:30 p.m. The public is invited. Host pastor is the Rev. Roslyn Watts.

Easter Week Services

Trinity UM Church in East New Market will have the following Easter Week Services:

Palm Sunday will be celebrated with an 11 a.m. service. Bible Study at 9:45 a.m.

Good Friday on March 23 with a 6 p.m. service followed by a covered dish dinner.

Easter Sunday, April 1, an 11 a.m. service.

The public is invited to all services. The Rev. Brian Wheatley is host pastor. For more information call 410-463-2018.

Annual Men’s Breakfast

Waters UM Church, 4561 Fork Neck Road will celebrate its Annual Men’s Breakfast on Saturday from 7 to 9:30 a.m. A donation of $7 is asked. The Rev. Roslyn Watts is host pastor. Lawrence E. Pinder is president.

Pastoral Anniversary

St. John’s Holiness Church, 500 Edgewood Ave., Cambridge will celebrate its Pastoral Anniversary at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday. Co-Pastor Theresa Davis of Cambridge will bring the message. Host pastor is Apostle John Cornish Sr.

Passion Week Schedule

The Redeemer Church, 302 Mill St., Cambridge will have a Palm Sunday worship at 10 a.m. followed by Sunday School at 11:30 a.m.

Good Friday there will be a 7 p.m. Worship and Lord’s Supper.

Easter Sunday will include an Easter Breakfast from 8:30 to 9:45 a.m. Worship will follow at 10 a.m.

The public is invited to all services. The Rev. Stephen Arrick is host pastor. For information call 717-575-9246

Good Friday Service

Jesus has just been crucified. Can you imagine what his funeral may have been like?? Zion UMC, Cambridge will celebrate “JESUS’ FUNERAL SERVICE,” on Good Friday, March 30 at 7 p.m. All are invited to this special gathering.

Use 612 Locust St. entrances or Glasgow Street elevator for easy access and plenty of parking.

Sister to Sister

Sister to Sister is a women’s ministry of the New Life Christian Church and Ministries. The ministry meets the 2nd Saturday of every month with a themed event for food, fellowship and/or prayer. There is no charge and all are welcome.

Bring a friend and enjoy the fellowship. The church is located at 923 Phillips St., Cambridge. Biship Weldon M. Johnson is the presiding prelate. For more information contact the church at 410-221-7853.

Good Friday Dinner

The Men of Agape Temple of Praise & Ministries, 815 Center St., Cambridge are sponsoring a Fish Dinner on Good Friday at 11 a.m. Menu: fried fish, green beans, fried potatoes with onions, stewed tomatoes, cornbread, cake for $10. Fishsandwich for $7. Sodas for $1. Benefits the building fund.

Fish Dinner

Begins noon March 30 at New Revived UM Church, 4350 Smithville Road, Taylors Island. Menu: fish, potaot saladf or fried potatoes, stewed tomatoes, green beans, a pplesauce, cornbread and dessert. Cost: dinners, $12; sandwiches, $6; extra sides, $1. Will deliver over 5 orders before noon. The Rev. Joan H. Brooks, pastor.

Sunrise Service

Easter sunrise service on the banks of the Choptank River at 7 a.m. Being held at Governor’s Hall/Sailwinds in Cambridge. The American Legion Post 91 is sponsoring and it is being hosted by Zion United Methodist Church with Pastor Michael Hurley and the Chancel Choir. Coffee and donuts will served after. All are welcome.

Sunrise Service

The Concerned Citizens for Sickle Cell Anemia will sponsor an Easter Sunday” SUNRISE” service at Bethel AME Church, 623 Pine st., Cambridge on April 1, 6:30 am. Bishop JJ Green will bring the message. He will be accompanied by The Anointed 5. The Rev. Randolph Fitchett is host pastor.

Annual Usher Day Service

The Pentecostal Temple Church, 5360 Airey’s Road, Cambridge will celebrate its Annual Usher Day Serice at 3:30 p.m. on April 22. Speaker will be Pastor Carlston D. Brisco of the Kingdom Church and Ministries in Cambridge.

Host pastor is D/E Samuel A. Brisco Sr. For information contact Paulette F. Haynes 443-521-0109.

All Roads Lead To New Life!

Please join each Sunday morning for 10 a.m. Adult/Children’s Sunday School and 11 a.m. for Morning Worship Service at New Life Christian Church and Ministries, 923 Phillips St., Cambridge.

Bishop Weldon M. Johnson is the Presiding Prelate. A freewill offering will be accepted and the public is invited For more information, contact New Life Church at: 410-221-7853.

St. Paul’s Flower Fair

St Paul’s United Methodist Church, 205 Maryland Ave, Cambridge will be having their annual flower fair on May 3 and May 4 from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. They will have their famous oyster fritters and crab cakes as well as homemade ice cream and sweets.

A silent auction will also be held in the fellowship hall. Thursday evening at 4:30 there will be a chicken dinner that will cost $12 per person followed by a concert by the church’s praise band. Carry out will be available for the dinner.

For more information contact the church office at 410-228-1424 or Robbie Hanson at 443-521-6829 or visit on the web at

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