Dave Ryan
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Pictured from left: Vice President Care and Share, Lari Caldwell; Cambridge Empowerment Center Vice Chair, Joyce Green; Empowerment Center Chairperson, Portia Johnson-Ennals; Treasurer CEC, Mary Losty; Cambridge Adventist Church, Pastor Cesar Gonzalez; Empowerment Center, Barbara Johnson; and Care and Share Treasurer, Stan Trice. The Care & Share Fund, Inc. is a public, nonprofit 501C.3 charitable organization formed in June 1998 exclusively for charitable and educational purposes in Dorchester County. For more information on Care and Care visit www.careandsharefund.org[/caption] CAMBRIDGE — The Care and Share Fund of Dorchester recently made donations to the Cambridge Adventist FLAG Camp and the Cambridge Empowerment Center. The donation to the Empowerment Center will support their efforts in hosting the 2018 FLAG summer youth camp. For the past three years the Octavene H. Saunders Cambridge Empowerment Center located at 615B Pine St. has played host to the FLAG Camp by serving the attendees breakfast and lunch while affording the kids a safe and comfortable place to take a break from the weather and enjoy their meals. As stated on their web-site the Empowerment Center’s mission is to work in partnership with the community to provide youth development through education, skills training, mentorship and other support services. Additionally the center strives to inspire confidence, self-esteem, a desire to lifelong learning while contributing to the health and well-being of the Dorchester County youth and community. The Cambridge Adventist FLAG Camp is a six-week youth program devoted to games, crafts, day trips around the shore and most importantly Fun Learning About GOD. Overseen by Pastor Cesar Gonzalez and his staff the summer camp starts on July 2 and is open to kids ages 5 through 15. For more information about the FLAG camp contact Pastor Gonzalez at 410-357-1463 and for more information about the Cambridge Empowerment Center call 310-901-1397.