peel back effect

Ellis: Nov. 6 was terrible day for America


E.W. Ellis is a resident of Smyrna.

Nov. 6 was a tragic day; it was the day after what should have been an easy choice: good versus evil. Instead, America voted to kill democracy and to imprison freedom. By voting into office an incompetent, egotistical liar and cheat in Donald J. Trump, citizens chose a man of no morals, no decency and no honor, who cares only about money, power and himself. He fed America’s division with hate and racism, with promises of a wall and the deportations of illegal immigrants, but in his mind, the line between legal and illegal doesn’t exist. He’s willing to destroy families, including American families, to fuel the separation/division in this country that he created. Anyone with a brain would know that to deport 12 million people would be a very costly endeavor, one that would surely destroy our economy and possibly bankrupt the country. Along with his insane proposal to place tariffs on imports — which will cause rising prices, inflation and, eventually, a recession — his plan is to ensure that the wealthy accumulate more wealth and that the middle class and poor get poorer.

His picks for his administration so far have been spectacularly poor. He is already creating government waste by planning on spending trillions of dollars on deportation and the creation of a new office, the “Government Efficiency Department.” What does that even mean and what would be the responsibility of such an office? This new government creation will be headed by Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy. Musk has billions of dollars in government contracts, which makes his being a part of this office a conflict of interest; Ramaswamy is a billionaire, who made his money in pharmaceuticals. Do you really think these two men care about the American people or about what programs and/or services they may make decisions on?

In my opinion, Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz ran an excellent campaign. They were respectful to all Americans, not just a select few, unlike the other guys. The day after the election was like the Monday after a big football game. The armchair quarterbacks want to analyze, find and place blame on the coach or players, but in this case, the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the American voters, particularly those who voted for Trump and Sen. JD Vance. Some voted for party; some voted based on their misogynistic impulse; and others voted based on their racist hate. No one in these groups voted because of love of country. They voted based on their biases. A country divided will not stand. We are the enemy within.

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