Delaying trial after trial is the only way that Mr. Donald Trump can evade jail time. If he keeps fooling the “Make America Great Again” believers some of the time, he can win the election and have all 91 felony charges dismissed. His problem is that he cannot fool the electorate all the time, which will result in his downfall. Mr. Frank Daniels’ Feb. 11 article in the State News Opinion page, titled, “Weak leadership causes death of three service members,” asserted in the very first sentence that President Joe Biden told the world that a “minor” invasion of Ukraine was OK. What was his source? President Biden did make a statement in a White House briefing on the anniversary of Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine. He stated that “the United States does not and will never recognize Russia’s purported annexation of the peninsula and we will stand with Ukraine against Russia’s aggressive acts to continue our work to hold Russia accountable” (source:
We very well may be on the brink of a third World War due to the world’s ideological battle of democracy versus authoritarianism. William Glasser, reality therapist, asserted that “human beings have the potential to develop into law-abiding, contributing citizens if their basic needs for food, shelter and autonomy are honored.” He further advised, “Human beings also have a need to love and be loved and feel worthwhile.” Look around the world to see for yourself which governments allow these democratic ideals to exist. Instead, we have fallen prey to being marginalized citizens due to the power and wealth of the few over the many. Republicans in Congress do not even want to increase Social Security taxes on Americans making over $160,000 a year. Benefits will decrease in 10 years unless increased income tax measures are passed. United Auto Workers proved that the only way to get a good contract with management is to play organized union hardball.
Immigration reform has been on the table for decades. This nation has always thrived on new immigrants being accepted into our country. Many big businesses happily employ them without proof of citizenship. Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy recently stated in an interview on CNN that then-“President Trump also failed to actually fully secure the border.” He went on to say that, “if he had worked with conservatives to get bills passed in 2018 and 2019, we would not be in the mess we are in right now.” He concluded by stating that “then-President Trump could have suggested appropriate remedies for this problem years ago if he led Congress to get something done. It did not happen.” Mr. Daniels cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, put the blame on President Biden. Once the recurring supply line backlog is remedied, inflation will continue to go down so that normalized goods and services can be restored in the world. It is a mistake to put all the blame on Joe. He would call these accusations “malarkey.”
Bill Clemens
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