PDFD hosts training on fake IDs and counterfeit money

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Posted 5/20/15

Pictured: Patrice Jackson (DCHD), Ervina Johnson (DCHD), Martin Johnson (Trainer), Cambridge Police Department, CPL. Antoine Patton, PFC; Joseph Jones, PTL. Stephen Hackett, PFC. Gilbert McCall, PFC. …

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PDFD hosts training on fake IDs and counterfeit money


MD-pdfd hosts 3x-051115 Pictured: Patrice Jackson (DCHD), Ervina Johnson (DCHD), Martin Johnson (Trainer), Cambridge Police Department, CPL. Antoine Patton, PFC; Joseph Jones, PTL. Stephen Hackett, PFC. Gilbert McCall, PFC. Chad Mothersell, PFC. Joseph Beans, PFC. Justin Newcomb and PTL. Donald Johnson.[/caption]

CAMBRIDGE — Partnership for a Drug Free Dorchester’s (PDFD) Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol subcommittee has been proactive in initiating solutions to deter underage drinking. On March 25, PDFD hosted a Fake Identification and Counterfeit Money Training, also identified as Alcohol S.A.L.E.S (Safe And Legal Every Sale) Training.

PDFD was able to secure expert trainer Martin Johnson, retired detective of Howard County Police Department, and certified Homeland Security instructor. Martin trained retailers in recognizing fraudulent identification documents circulating in our communities; and in this training he covered topics such as laws on alcohol sales and service, general identification examination, imposter detection, age verification techniques for, and age appearance evaluation amongst other topics.

In addition retailers learned some techniques recognizing counterfeit money, and received the tools to identify counterfeit money on site.

Retired Detective Johnson reiterated the importance of recognizing fraudulent identification not only for alcoholic sales, but for many other issues taking place in our communities.

This training was provided free of charge to 19 alcohol serving retail associates and 8 Law enforcement officials of Dorchester County. Also one local retailer was the winner of an Anti-Identification Fraud Device Card Reader.

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